IOC Template Cookiecutter

Caproto IOCs are easy to get started with and only require a single source code file as shown in the many examples provided here.

For larger projecs, making a single caproto IOC into its own Python package brings along some benefits:

  1. Easily installed into a Python environment

  2. Ability to add command-line hooks

  3. Better structure - relatve imports

  4. Add tests, documentation

To ease this process, caproto offers a “cookiecutter” template.

The Cookiecutter

The cookiecutter is available in the caproto organization on GitHub.


The steps outlining an IOC creation are tersely shown here for a quick example.

# Install cookiecutter
$ pip install cookiecutter

# Use the cookiecutter
$ cookiecutter
project_name [project_name]:
github_repo_group [pcdshub]:
repo_name [project_name]:
default_prefix [SIM:]:
author_name [SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory]:
email []:
folder_name [project_name]:
import_name [project_name]:
description [project_name]:
Select license:
1 - SLAC
2 - BNL
3 - MIT
4 - BSD-3
Choose from 1, 2, 3, 4 [1]:
Select auto_git_setup:
1 - no
2 - yes
Choose from 1, 2 [1]:
git_remote_name [origin]:
Select auto_doctr_setup:
1 - no
2 - yes
Choose from 1, 2 [1]:
Select use_x11_on_travis:
1 - no
2 - yes
Choose from 1, 2 [1]:
year [2020]:

# Create a test environment
$ conda create -n my_test_env python=3.7
$ conda activate my_test_env

# Install the project in that environment
$ cd project_name
$ pip install .

# Run the IOC
$ project_name --list-pvs
[I 17:33:28.970       server:  133] Asyncio server starting up...
[I 17:33:28.971       server:  146] Listening on
[I 17:33:28.972       server:  205] Server startup complete.
[I 17:33:28.973       server:  207] PVs available:
This happens at IOC boot!
Initial value was: 0.0
Now it is: 0.1

[I 17:33:30.442       server:  212] Server task cancelled. Will shut down.
[I 17:33:30.442       server:  222] Server exiting....

# Alternatively:
$ python -m project_name --list-pvs

# Build the docs:
$ cd docs
$ make html

# Open them in your browser:
# (macOS)
$ open build/html/index.html
# (Linux)
$ xdg-open build/html/index.html