Source code for caproto._circuit

This module defines classes that encapsulate key abstractions in
Channel Access: Channels and VirtualCircuits. Each VirtualCircuit is a
companion to a TCP socket managed by a higher-level client or server
implementation, updating its state in response to incoming and outgoing TCP
bytestreams. Each Channel belongs to a circuit, and tracks state particular
to that Channel. A ClientChannel provides convenience methods for composing
Requests; a ServerChannel provides convenience methods for composing
import logging
import os
from collections import deque
from import Iterable

from ._commands import (AccessRightsResponse, ClearChannelRequest,
                        ClearChannelResponse, ClientNameRequest,
                        CreateChanRequest, CreateChanResponse,
                        CreateChFailResponse, EventAddRequest,
                        EventAddResponse, EventCancelRequest,
                        EventCancelResponse, HostNameRequest,
                        ReadNotifyRequest, ReadNotifyResponse, ReadRequest,
                        ReadResponse, SearchResponse, ServerDisconnResponse,
                        VersionRequest, VersionResponse, WriteNotifyRequest,
                        WriteNotifyResponse, WriteRequest,
from ._constants import DEFAULT_PROTOCOL_VERSION
from ._dbr import ChannelType, SubscriptionType, field_types, native_type
from ._log import ComposableLogAdapter
from ._state import ChannelState, CircuitState, get_exception
from ._status import CAStatus
from ._utils import (CLIENT, DISCONNECTED, NEED_DATA, SERVER, CaprotoError,
                     CaprotoKeyError, CaprotoRuntimeError, CaprotoTypeError,
                     CaprotoValueError, ChannelFilter, ThreadsafeCounter,
                     parse_channel_filter, parse_record_field)

__all__ = ('VirtualCircuit', 'ClientChannel', 'ServerChannel',

STRING_ENCODING = os.environ.get('CAPROTO_STRING_ENCODING', 'latin-1')

[docs]class VirtualCircuit: """ An object encapulating the state of one CA client--server connection. It is a companion to a TCP socket managed by the user. All data received over the socket should be passed to :meth:`recv`. Any data sent over the socket should first be passed through :meth:`send`. Parameters ---------- our_role : CLIENT or SERVER address : tuple ``(host, port)`` as a string and an integer respectively priority : integer or None May be used by the server to prioritize requests when under high load. Lowest priority is 0; highest is 99. """ def __init__(self, our_role, address, priority, protocol_version=DEFAULT_PROTOCOL_VERSION): self.our_role = our_role if our_role is CLIENT: self.their_role = SERVER else: self.their_role = CLIENT self.address = address self.our_address = None self.priority = priority self.channels = {} # map cid to Channel self.channels_sid = {} # map sid to Channel self.states = CircuitState(self.channels) self._data = bytearray() self._ioids = {} # map ioid to Channel self.event_add_commands = {} # map subscriptionid to EventAdd command # map subscriptionid to EventAdd command as we wait for them to die self.event_cancel_commands = {} # There are only used by the convenience methods, to auto-generate ids. if our_role is CLIENT: self._channel_id_counter = ThreadsafeCounter( dont_clash_with=self.channels ) else: self._channel_id_counter = ThreadsafeCounter( dont_clash_with=self.channels_sid ) self._ioid_counter = ThreadsafeCounter(dont_clash_with=self._ioids) self._sub_counter = ThreadsafeCounter( dont_clash_with=self.event_add_commands) if priority is None and self.our_role is CLIENT: raise CaprotoRuntimeError("Client-side VirtualCircuit requires a " "non-None priority at initialization " "time.") self.protocol_version = protocol_version @property def priority(self): return self._priority @priority.setter def priority(self, priority): # A server-side circuit does not get to know its priority until after # instantiation, so we need a setter. self._priority = priority # The logger_name includes the priority so we have to set it. self.log = logging.getLogger('caproto.circ') @property def host(self): '''Peer host name''' return self.address[0] @property def port(self): '''Port number''' return self.address[1] def __repr__(self): return (f"<VirtualCircuit host={!r} port={self.port} " f"our_role={self.our_role}> logger_name={!r}>") @property def key(self): if self.priority is None: raise CaprotoRuntimeError("This VirtualCircuit has not received a " "VersionRequest and does not know its " "priority. Therefore, it does not yet " "have a key.") return self.address, self.priority # a unique identifier def __eq__(self, other): return hash(self) == hash(other) def __hash__(self): return hash((self.address, self.priority, self.our_role))
[docs] def send(self, *commands, extra=None): """ Convert one or more high-level Commands into buffers of bytes that may be broadcast together in one TCP packet. Update our internal state machine. Parameters ---------- *commands : any number of :class:`Message` objects extra : dict or None Used for logging purposes. This is merged into the ``extra`` parameter passed to the logger to provide information like ``'pv'`` to the logger. Returns ------- buffers_to_send : list list of buffers to send over a socket """ buffers_to_send = [] tags = {'their_address': self.address, 'our_address': self.our_address, 'direction': '--->>>', 'role': repr(self.our_role)} tags.update(extra or {}) for command in commands: self._process_command(self.our_role, command) tags['bytesize'] = len(command) self.log.debug("%r", command, extra=tags) buffers_to_send.append(memoryview(command.header)) buffers_to_send.extend(command.buffers) return buffers_to_send
[docs] def recv(self, *buffers): """ Parse commands from buffers received over TCP. When the caller is ready to process the commands, each command should first be passed to :meth:`VirtualCircuit.process_command` to validate it against the protocol and update the VirtualCircuit's state. Parameters ---------- *buffers : any number of bytes-like buffers Returns ------- ``(commands, num_bytes_needed)`` """ total_received = sum(len(byteslike) for byteslike in buffers) commands = deque() if total_received == 0: self.log.debug('Circuit disconnected') commands.append(DISCONNECTED) return commands, 0 self._data += b''.join(buffers) while True: (self._data, command, num_bytes_needed) = read_from_bytestream(self._data, self.their_role) if command is not NEED_DATA: commands.append(command) else: # Less than a full command's worth of bytes are cached. Wait # for more bytes to come in before continuing parsing. break return commands, num_bytes_needed
[docs] def process_command(self, command): """ Update internal state machine and raise if protocol is violated. Received commands should be passed through here before any additional processing by a server or client layer. """ self._process_command(self.their_role, command)
def _process_command(self, role, command): """ All commands go through here. Parameters ---------- role : ``CLIENT`` or ``SERVER`` command : Message """ if command is DISCONNECTED: self.states.disconnect() return if isinstance(command, EventAddResponse): # well, this is dirty... if (command.subscriptionid in self.event_cancel_commands and command.payload_size == 0): try: ev_add = self.event_cancel_commands[command.subscriptionid] except KeyError: # EventCancelResponse messages never get sent, # instead we get sent EventAddResponse with 0 # payload. This means we can have the following # race condition: # -> cancel request # <- an update that really is an 0 length array # <- the cancel response # where the real update is treated as the # EventCancelResponse. Thus, if get # EventCancelResponse or EventAddResponse which is # not associated with an active subscription but # has 0 payload, just drop it on the floor and # move on. return # Otherwise, transmute the Command to a EventCancelResponse. command = EventCancelResponse(command.data_type, ev_add.sid, command.subscriptionid, command.data_count) # Filter for Commands that are pertinent to a specific Channel, as # opposed to the Circuit as a whole: if isinstance(command, (ClearChannelRequest, ClearChannelResponse, CreateChanRequest, CreateChanResponse, CreateChFailResponse, AccessRightsResponse, ReadNotifyRequest, ReadNotifyResponse, ReadRequest, ReadResponse, WriteNotifyRequest, WriteNotifyResponse, WriteRequest, EventAddRequest, EventAddResponse, EventCancelRequest, EventCancelResponse, ServerDisconnResponse,)): # Identify which Channel this Command is referring to. We have to # do this in one of a couple different ways depenending on the # Command. if isinstance(command, (ReadNotifyRequest, WriteNotifyRequest, WriteRequest, ReadRequest, EventAddRequest)): # Identify the Channel based on its sid. sid = command.sid try: chan = self.channels_sid[sid] except KeyError: err = get_exception(self.our_role, command) raise err("Unknown Channel sid {!r}".format(command.sid)) elif isinstance(command, (ReadNotifyResponse, ReadResponse, WriteNotifyResponse)): # Identify the Channel based on its ioid. try: chan = self._ioids.pop(command.ioid) except KeyError: err = get_exception(self.our_role, command) raise err("Unknown Channel ioid {!r}".format(command.ioid)) elif isinstance(command, (EventCancelRequest,)): # Identify the Channel based on its subscriptionid try: event_add = self.event_add_commands[command.subscriptionid] except KeyError: err = get_exception(self.our_role, command) raise err("Unrecognized subscriptionid {!r}" "".format(command.subscriptionid)) chan = self.channels_sid[event_add.sid] elif isinstance(command, (EventAddResponse, EventCancelResponse)): # Identify the Channel based on its subscriptionid try: event_add = self.event_add_commands[command.subscriptionid] except KeyError: if command.payload_size == 0: return err = get_exception(self.our_role, command) raise err("Unrecognized subscriptionid {!r}" "".format(command.subscriptionid)) chan = self.channels_sid[event_add.sid] elif isinstance(command, CreateChanRequest): # A Channel instance for this cid may already exist. try: chan = self.channels[command.cid] except KeyError: _class = {CLIENT: ClientChannel, SERVER: ServerChannel}[self.our_role] chan = _class(, self, command.cid) else: # In all other cases, the Command gives us a cid. cid = command.cid chan = self.channels[cid] # Do some additional validation on commands related to an existing # subscription. if isinstance(command, (EventAddResponse, EventCancelRequest, EventCancelResponse)): # Verify data_type matches the one in the original request. event_add = self.event_add_commands[command.subscriptionid] if event_add.data_type != command.data_type: err = get_exception(self.our_role, command) raise err("The data_type in {!r} does not match the " "data_type in the original EventAddRequest " "for this subscriptionid, {!r}." "".format(command, event_add.data_type)) if isinstance(command, (EventAddResponse,)): # Verify data_count matches the one in the original request. # NOTE The docs say that EventCancelRequest should echo the # original data_count too, but in fact it seems to be 0. event_add = self.event_add_commands[command.subscriptionid] if (event_add.data_count > 0 and event_add.data_count != command.data_count): err = get_exception(self.our_role, command) raise err("The data_count in {!r} does not match the " "data_count in the original EventAddRequest " "for this subscriptionid, {!r}." "".format(command, event_add.data_count)) if isinstance(command, (EventCancelRequest, EventCancelResponse)): # Verify sid matches the one in the original request. event_add = self.event_add_commands[command.subscriptionid] if event_add.sid != command.sid: err = get_exception(self.our_role, command) raise err("The sid in {!r} does not match the sid in " "in the original EventAddRequest for this " "subscriptionid, {!r}." "".format(command, event_add.sid)) # Update the state machine of the pertinent Channel. # If this is not a valid command, the state machine will raise # here. Stash the state transitions in a local var and run the # callbacks at the end. transitions = chan.process_command(command) # If we got this far, the state machine has validated this Command. # Update other Channel and Circuit state. if isinstance(command, AccessRightsResponse): chan.access_rights = command.access_rights elif isinstance(command, CreateChanResponse): chan.sid = command.sid chan.protocol_version = self.protocol_version self.channels_sid[chan.sid] = chan elif isinstance(command, (ServerDisconnResponse, ClearChannelResponse)): self.channels_sid.pop(chan.sid) self.channels.pop(chan.cid) # put in list comprehension (not generator) to not change # the size while iterating for k in [k for k, v in self._ioids.items() if v is chan]: self._ioids.pop(k) elif isinstance(command, (ReadNotifyRequest, ReadRequest, WriteNotifyRequest)): # Stash the ioid for later reference. self._ioids[command.ioid] = chan elif isinstance(command, EventAddRequest): # We will use the info in this command later to validate that # {EventAddResponse, EventCancelRequest, EventCancelResponse} # send or received in the future are valid. self.event_add_commands[command.subscriptionid] = command elif isinstance(command, EventCancelRequest): # If we see a cancel request, note that so we know to interpret # the next EventAddResponse with an empty payload as an # EventCancelResponse. self.event_cancel_commands[command.subscriptionid] = \ self.event_add_commands[command.subscriptionid] elif isinstance(command, EventCancelResponse): self.event_add_commands.pop(command.subscriptionid) self.event_cancel_commands.pop(command.subscriptionid) # We are done. Run the Channel state change callbacks. for transition in transitions: chan.state_changed(*transition) # Otherwise, this Command affects the state of this circuit, not a # specific Channel. Run the circuit's state machine. else: self.states.process_command_type(self.our_role, type(command)) self.states.process_command_type(self.their_role, type(command)) if isinstance(command, VersionRequest): if self.priority is None: self.priority = command.priority elif self.priority != command.priority: err = get_exception(self.our_role, command) raise err("priority {} does not match previously set priority " "of {} for this circuit".format(command.priority, self.priority)) protocol_version = min(self.protocol_version, command.version) self.protocol_version = protocol_version for chan in self.channels.values(): chan.protocol_version = protocol_version if isinstance(command, VersionResponse): if command.version == 0: # Per the specification: # "In CA < 4.11, Message does not include minor version number # (it is always 0) and is interpreted as an echo command that # carries no data. Version exchange is performed immediately # after [channel creation]." return protocol_version = min(self.protocol_version, command.version) self.protocol_version = protocol_version for chan in self.channels.values(): chan.protocol_version = protocol_version
[docs] def disconnect(self): """ Notify all channels on this circuit that they are disconnected. Clients should call this method when a TCP connection is lost. """ return DISCONNECTED
[docs] def new_channel_id(self): "Return a valid value for a cid or sid." # Return the next sequential unused id. Wrap back to 0 on overflow. return self._channel_id_counter()
[docs] def new_subscriptionid(self): """ This is used by the convenience methods to obtain an unused integer ID. It does not update any important state. """ return self._sub_counter()
[docs] def new_ioid(self): """ This is used by the convenience methods to obtain an unused integer ID. It does not update any important state. """ return self._ioid_counter()
class _BaseChannel: # Base class for ClientChannel and ServerChannel, which add convenience # methods for composing requests and repsponses, respectively. All of the # important code is here in the base class. def __init__(self, name, circuit, cid=None, string_encoding=STRING_ENCODING): tags = {'pv': name, 'their_address': circuit.address, 'role': repr(circuit.our_role)} self.log = ComposableLogAdapter(logging.getLogger(''), tags) self.protocol_version = circuit.protocol_version = name self.string_encoding = string_encoding modifiers = parse_record_field(name).modifiers if modifiers is not None: self.channel_filter = parse_channel_filter(modifiers.filter_) else: self.channel_filter = ChannelFilter( ts=None, dbnd=None, arr=None, sync=None) self.circuit = circuit if cid is None: cid = self.circuit.new_channel_id() self.cid = cid self.circuit.channels[self.cid] = self self.states = ChannelState(self.circuit.states) # These will be set when the circuit processes CreateChanResponse. self.native_data_type = None self.native_data_count = None self.sid = None self.access_rights = None def __repr__(self): return (f"<{type(self).__name__} name={!r} cid={self.cid} " f"sid={self.sid} data_type={self.native_data_type} " f"logger_name={!r}>") @property def subscriptions(self): """ Get cached EventAdd commands for this channel's active subscriptions. """ return {k: v for k, v in self.circuit.event_add_commands.items() if v.sid == self.sid} def _fill_defaults(self, data_type, data_count): # Boilerplate used in many convenience methods if data_type is None: # Replace `None` default arg with actual default value. data_type = self.native_data_type elif isinstance(data_type, str): # For example, if data_type is 'time', look up the 'time' type # corresponding to this channel's native data type. data_type = field_types[data_type.lower()][self.native_data_type] if data_count is None: if self.protocol_version >= 13: data_count = 0 else: data_count = self.native_data_count return data_type, data_count def state_changed(self, role, old_state, new_state, command): '''State changed callback for subclass usage''' pass def process_command(self, command): if isinstance(command, CreateChanResponse): self.native_data_type = command.data_type self.native_data_count = command.data_count transitions = [] for role in (self.circuit.our_role, self.circuit.their_role): initial_state = self.states[role] try: self.states.process_command_type(role, type(command)) except CaprotoError as ex: = self raise new_state = self.states[role] # Assemble arguments needed by state_changed, to be called later. if initial_state is not new_state: transition = (role, initial_state, new_state, command) transitions.append(transition) return transitions
[docs]class ClientChannel(_BaseChannel): """An object encapsulating the state of the EPICS Channel on a Client. A ClientChannel may be created in one of two ways: (1) The user instantiates a ClientChannel with a name, server address, priority, and optional cid. The server address and priority are used to assign the ClientChannel to a VirtualCircuit. If no cid is given, a unique one is allocated by the VirtualCircuit. (2) A VirtualCircuit processes a CreateChanRequest that refers to a cid that it has not yet seen. A ClientChannel will be automatically instantiated with the name and cid indicated that command and the address and priority of that VirtualCircuit. It can be accessed in the circuit's ``channels`` attribute. Parameters ---------- name : string Channnel name (PV) circuit : VirtualCircuit cid : integer, optional string_encoding : string Default is 'latin-1' or value of ``CAPROTO_STRING_ENCODING`` environment variable. """
[docs] def version(self): """ Generate a valid :class:`VersionRequest`. Parameters ---------- priority : integer, optional May be used by the server to prioritize requests when under high load. Lowest priority is 0; highest is 99. Default is 0. Returns ------- VersionRequest """ command = VersionRequest(version=self.protocol_version, priority=self.circuit.priority) return command
[docs] def host_name(self, host_name): """ Generate a valid :class:`HostNameRequest`. Parameters ---------- host_name : string Returns ------- HostNameRequest """ command = HostNameRequest(host_name) return command
[docs] def client_name(self, client_name): """ Generate a valid :class:`ClientNameRequest`. Parameters ---------- client_name : string, optional defaults to output of ``getpass.getuser()`` Returns ------- ClientNameRequest """ command = ClientNameRequest(client_name) return command
[docs] def create(self): """ Generate a valid :class:`CreateChanRequest`. Returns ------- CreateChanRequest """ command = CreateChanRequest(, self.cid, self.protocol_version) return command
[docs] def clear(self): """ Generate a valid :class:`ClearChannelRequest`. Returns ------- ClearChannelRequest """ command = ClearChannelRequest(self.sid, self.cid) return command
[docs] def read(self, data_type=None, data_count=None, ioid=None, notify=True): """ Generate a valid :class:`ReadRequest` or :class:`ReadNotifyRequest`. Parameters ---------- data_type : {'native', 'status', 'time', 'graphic', 'control'} or ChannelType or int ID, optional Requested Channel Access data type. Default is the channel's native data type, which can be checked in the Channel's attribute :attr:`native_data_type`. data_count : integer, optional Requested number of values. Default is the channel's native data count, which can be checked in the Channel's attribute :attr:`native_data_count`. ioid : integer, optional Input/output ID. If None, one is generated. notify : boolean, optional True by default. If True, send a ``ReadNotifyRequest`` instead of a ``ReadRequest``. Note that ``ReadRequest`` has been deprecated by Channel Access in 3.13 and is not well-supported by caproto. Returns ------- ReadNotifyRequest """ data_type, data_count = self._fill_defaults(data_type, data_count) if ioid is None: ioid = self.circuit.new_ioid() cls = ReadNotifyRequest if notify else ReadRequest command = cls(data_type, data_count, self.sid, ioid) return command
[docs] def write(self, data, data_type=None, data_count=None, metadata=None, ioid=None, notify=False): """ Generate a valid :class:`WriteRequest or `:class:`WriteNotifyRequest`. Parameters ---------- data : tuple, ``numpy.ndarray``, ``array.array``, or bytes data_type : {'native', 'status', 'time', 'graphic', 'control'} or ChannelType or int ID, optional Requested Channel Access data type. Default is the channel's native data type, which can be checked in the Channel's attribute :attr:`native_data_type`. data_count : integer, optional Requested number of values. Default is the channel's native data count, which can be checked in the Channel's attribute :attr:`native_data_count`. metadata : ``ctypes.BigEndianStructure`` or tuple Status and control metadata for the values ioid : integer, optional Input/output ID. If None, one is generated. notify : boolean, optional False by default. If True, send a ``WriteNotifyRequest`` instead of a ``WriteRequest``. Returns ------- WriteNotifyRequest """ data_type, data_count = self._fill_defaults(data_type, data_count) if native_type(data_type) != ChannelType.CHAR: if not isinstance(data, Iterable) or isinstance(data, (str, bytes)): data = [data] if len(data) and isinstance(data[0], str): data = [val.encode(self.string_encoding) for val in data] elif len(data) and isinstance(data[0], str): if isinstance(data, (list, tuple)): data = [d.encode(self.string_encoding) for d in data] else: data = data.encode(self.string_encoding) if data_count == 0: data_count = len(data) if ioid is None: ioid = self.circuit.new_ioid() cls = WriteNotifyRequest if notify else WriteRequest command = cls(data, data_type, data_count, self.sid, ioid, metadata=metadata) return command
[docs] def subscribe(self, data_type=None, data_count=None, subscriptionid=None, low=0.0, high=0.0, to=0.0, mask=None): """ Generate a valid :class:`EventAddRequest`. Parameters ---------- data_type : {'native', 'status', 'time', 'graphic', 'control'} or ChannelType or int ID, optional Requested Channel Access data type. Default is the channel's native data type, which can be checked in the Channel's attribute :attr:`native_data_type`. data_count : integer, optional Requested number of values. Default is the channel's native data count, which can be checked in the Channel's attribute :attr:`native_data_count`. subscriptionid : integer, optional low : number Default is 0. high : number Default is 0. to : number Default is 0. mask : Default is None, which resolves to: ``(SubscriptionType.DBE_VALUE | `` `` SubscriptionType.DBE_ALARM | `` `` SubscriptionType.DBE_PROPERTY)`` Returns ------- EventAddRequest """ data_type, data_count = self._fill_defaults(data_type, data_count) if mask is None: mask = (SubscriptionType.DBE_VALUE | SubscriptionType.DBE_ALARM | SubscriptionType.DBE_PROPERTY) if subscriptionid is None: subscriptionid = self.circuit.new_subscriptionid() command = EventAddRequest(data_type, data_count, self.sid, subscriptionid, low, high, to, mask) return command
[docs] def unsubscribe(self, subscriptionid): """ Generate a valid :class:`EventAddRequest`. Parameters ---------- subscriptionid : integer The ``subscriptionid`` that was originally sent in the corresponding :class:`EventAddRequest`. Returns ------- EventAddRequest """ try: event_add = self.circuit.event_add_commands[subscriptionid] except KeyError: raise CaprotoKeyError("No current subscription has id {!r}" "".format(subscriptionid)) if event_add.sid != self.sid: raise CaprotoValueError("This subscription is for a different " "Channel.") command = EventCancelRequest(event_add.data_type, self.sid, subscriptionid) return command
[docs]class ServerChannel(_BaseChannel): """ A server-side Channel. Parameters ---------- name : string Channnel name (PV) circuit : VirtualCircuit cid : integer, optional string_encoding : string Default is 'latin-1' or value of ``CAPROTO_STRING_ENCODING`` environment variable. """
[docs] def version(self): """ Generate a valid :class:`VersionResponse`. Returns ------- VersionResponse """ command = VersionResponse(self.protocol_version) return command
[docs] def create(self, native_data_type, native_data_count, sid): """ Generate a valid :class:`CreateChanResponse`. Parameters ---------- native_data_type : a ChannelType or corresponding integer ID, optional Default Channel Access data type. native_data_count : integer Default number of values sid : integer server-allocated sid Returns ------- CreateChanResponse """ command = CreateChanResponse(native_data_type, native_data_count, self.cid, sid) return command
[docs] def create_fail(self): """ Generate a valid :class:`CreateChFailResponse`. Returns ------- CreateChFailResponse """ command = CreateChFailResponse(self.cid) return command
[docs] def read(self, data, ioid, data_type=None, data_count=None, status=1, *, metadata=None, notify=True): """ Generate a valid :class:`ReadResponse` or :class:`ReadNotifyResponse`. Parameters ---------- data : tuple, ``numpy.ndarray``, ``array.array``, or bytes ioid : integer data_type : {'native', 'status', 'time', 'graphic', 'control'} or ChannelType or int ID, optional Requested Channel Access data type. Default is the channel's native data type, which can be checked in the Channel's attribute :attr:`native_data_type`. data_count : integer, optional Requested number of values. Default is the channel's native data count, which can be checked in the Channel's attribute :attr:`native_data_count`. status : integer, optional Default is 1 (success). metadata : ``ctypes.BigEndianStructure`` or tuple Status and control metadata for the values notify : boolean, optional True by default. If True, send a ``ReadNotifyRequest`` instead of a ``ReadRequest``. Note that ``ReadRequest`` has been deprecated by Channel Access in 3.13 and is not well-supported by caproto. Returns ------- ReadResponse or ReadNotifyResponse """ data_type, data_count = self._fill_defaults(data_type, data_count) # TODO: Un-comment this to make the server symmetric with the channel. # Some work is needed to integrate it with the server/ChannelData. # if native_type(data_type) != ChannelType.CHAR: # if not isinstance(data, Iterable) or isinstance(data, (str, bytes)): # data = [data] # if len(data) and isinstance(data[0], str): # data = [val.encode(self.string_encoding) for val in data] # elif len(data) and isinstance(data[0], str): # data = data.encode(self.string_encoding) cls = ReadNotifyResponse if notify else ReadResponse command = cls(data, data_type, data_count, status, ioid, metadata=metadata) return command
[docs] def write(self, ioid, data_type=None, data_count=None, status=1): """ Generate a valid :class:`WriteNotifyResponse`. Parameters ---------- ioid : integer data_type : {'native', 'status', 'time', 'graphic', 'control'} or ChannelType or int ID, optional Requested Channel Access data type. Default is the channel's native data type, which can be checked in the Channel's attribute :attr:`native_data_type`. data_count : integer, optional Requested number of values. Default is the channel's native data count, which can be checked in the Channel's attribute :attr:`native_data_count`. status : integer, optional Default is 1 (success). Returns ------- WriteNotifyResponse """ data_type, data_count = self._fill_defaults(data_type, data_count) command = WriteNotifyResponse(data_type, data_count, status, ioid) return command
[docs] def subscribe(self, data, subscriptionid, data_type=None, data_count=None, status=CAStatus.ECA_NEWCONN, metadata=None): """ Generate a valid :class:`EventAddResponse`. Parameters ---------- data : tuple, ``numpy.ndarray``, ``array.array``, or bytes subscriptionid : integer data_type : {'native', 'status', 'time', 'graphic', 'control'} or ChannelType or int ID, optional Requested Channel Access data type. Default is the channel's native data type, which can be checked in the Channel's attribute :attr:`native_data_type`. data_count : integer, optional Requested number of values. Default is the channel's native data count, which can be checked in the Channel's attribute :attr:`native_data_count`. status : CAStatus or corresponding integer code Default is ``CAStatus.ECA_NEWCONN`` metadata : ``ctypes.BigEndianStructure`` or tuple Status and control metadata for the values Returns ------- EventAddResponse """ data_type, data_count = self._fill_defaults(data_type, data_count) command = EventAddResponse(data, data_type, data_count, status, subscriptionid, metadata=metadata) return command
[docs] def unsubscribe(self, subscriptionid, data_type=None, data_count=None): """ Generate a valid :class:`EventCancelResponse`. Parameters ---------- subscriptionid : integer data_type : {'native', 'status', 'time', 'graphic', 'control'} or ChannelType or int ID, optional Requested Channel Access data type. Default is the channel's native data type, which can be checked in the Channel's attribute :attr:`native_data_type`. Returns ------- EventCancelResponse """ data_type, data_count = self._fill_defaults(data_type, data_count) command = EventCancelResponse(data_type, self.sid, subscriptionid, data_count) return command
[docs] def clear(self): """ Generate a valid :class:`ClearChannelResponse` Returns ------- ClearChannelResposne """ command = ClearChannelResponse(self.sid, self.cid) return command
[docs] def disconnect(self): """ Generate a valid :class:`ServerDisconnResponse` Returns ------- ServerDisconnResponse """ command = ServerDisconnResponse(self.cid) return command
def extract_address(search_response): """ Extract the (host, port) from a SearchResponse. """ if type(search_response) is not SearchResponse: raise CaprotoTypeError("expected SearchResponse, not {!r}" "".format(type(search_response).__name__)) if search_response.header.parameter1 == 0xffffffff: # The CA spec tells us that this sentinel value means we # should fall back to using the address of the sender of # the UDP datagram. address = search_response.sender_address[0] else: address = search_response.ip return (address, search_response.port)