Source code for caproto._commands

# This module contains high-level "command" objects, one for each CA command.
# A command wraps together a ``MessageHeader`` from with a payload
# of raw bytes (if applicable). It provides a more user-friendly __init__ that
# accepts standard Python types and handles details like type conversion and
# bit-padding. For every argument to the __init__ there is a corresponding
# property to allow high-level introspection of a command. There are also
# ``header`` and ``payload`` attributes for lower-level introspection. Finally,
# the command objects support ``__bytes__``, encoding them for sending over the
# wire.

# A command class may be instantiated in one of two ways:
# 1. For sending: by passing user-friendly inputs to ``__init__``.
# 2. For receiving: by passing a datagram or bytestream to the functions
#    ``read_datagram`` and `read_from _bytestream`` respectively. These
#    identify the command type and instantiate the appropriate class from bytes
#    using ``__new__``.
# (1) is typically done by the user. (2) is typically done by calling the
# ``next_command`` method of a :class:`Broadcaster` or a
# :class:`VirtualCircuit`.
import array
import ctypes
import inspect
import os
import socket
import struct
import warnings
from import Iterable

import _ctypes

from . import _dbr as dbr
from ._backend import backend
from ._constants import DO_REPLY, MAX_RECORD_LENGTH, NO_REPLY
from ._dbr import (DBR_INT, DBR_TYPES, MAX_STRING_SIZE, AccessRights,
                   ChannelType, float_t, native_type, short_t, special_types,
from ._headers import (AccessRightsResponseHeader, BeaconHeader,
                       ClearChannelRequestHeader, ClearChannelResponseHeader,
                       ClientNameRequestHeader, CreateChanRequestHeader,
                       CreateChanResponseHeader, CreateChFailResponseHeader,
                       EchoRequestHeader, EchoResponseHeader,
                       ErrorResponseHeader, EventAddRequestHeader,
                       EventAddResponseHeader, EventCancelRequestHeader,
                       EventCancelResponseHeader, EventsOffRequestHeader,
                       EventsOnRequestHeader, ExtendedMessageHeader,
                       HostNameRequestHeader, MessageHeader,
                       NotFoundResponseHeader, ReadNotifyRequestHeader,
                       ReadNotifyResponseHeader, ReadRequestHeader,
                       ReadResponseHeader, ReadSyncRequestHeader,
                       RepeaterRegisterRequestHeader, SearchRequestHeader,
                       SearchResponseHeader, ServerDisconnResponseHeader,
                       VersionRequestHeader, VersionResponseHeader,
                       WriteNotifyRequestHeader, WriteNotifyResponseHeader,
from ._status import eca_value_to_status, ensure_eca_value
                     CaprotoNotImplementedError, CaprotoTypeError,
                     CaprotoValueError, RemoteProtocolError, ValidationError,

__all__ = ('AccessRightsResponse', 'ClearChannelRequest',
           'ClearChannelResponse', 'ClientNameRequest',
           'CreateChFailResponse', 'CreateChanRequest',
           'CreateChanResponse', 'EchoRequest',
           'EchoResponse', 'ErrorResponse',
           'EventAddRequest', 'EventAddRequestPayload', 'EventAddResponse',
           'EventCancelRequest', 'EventCancelResponse',
           'EventsOffRequest', 'EventsOnRequest',
           'get_command_class', 'HostNameRequest',
           'ipv4_from_int32', 'ipv4_to_int32',
           'ReadNotifyRequest', 'ReadNotifyResponse',
           'ReadRequest', 'ReadResponse',
           'RepeaterRegisterRequest', 'Beacon',
           'SearchRequest', 'SearchResponse',
           'ServerDisconnResponse', 'VersionRequest',
           'VersionResponse', 'WriteNotifyRequest',
           'WriteNotifyResponse', 'WriteRequest',

_MessageHeaderSize = ctypes.sizeof(MessageHeader)
_ExtendedMessageHeaderSize = ctypes.sizeof(ExtendedMessageHeader)

_pad_buffer = {mod_sz: b'\0' * (8 - mod_sz)
               for mod_sz in range(1, 8)}
_pad_buffer[0] = b''

STR_ENC = os.environ.get('CAPROTO_STRING_ENCODING', 'latin-1')

def ipv4_to_int32(ip: str) -> int:
    '''Pack an IPv4 into a 32-bit integer (in network byte order)'''
    encoded_ip = socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET, ip)
    return struct.unpack('!I', encoded_ip)[0]

def ipv4_from_int32(int_packed_ip: int) -> str:
    '''Unpack an IPv4 from a 32-bit integer (in network byte order)'''
    encoded_ip = struct.pack('!I', int_packed_ip)
    return socket.inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET, encoded_ip)

def has_metadata(data_type):
    'Does data_type have associated metadata?'
    return (data_type in special_types or
            data_type != native_type(data_type))

def from_buffer(data_type, data_count, buffer):
    "Wraps dbr_type.from_buffer and special-case strings."
    payload_size = data_count * ctypes.sizeof(
    if has_metadata(data_type):
        md_payload = DBR_TYPES[data_type].from_buffer(buffer)
        md_size = ctypes.sizeof(DBR_TYPES[data_type])
        md_payload = b''
        md_size = 0
    # Use payload_size to strip off any right-padding that may have been added
    # to make the byte-size of the payload a multiple of 8.
    data_payload = memoryview(buffer)[md_size:md_size + payload_size]
    return md_payload, data_payload

def padded_len(s):
    "Length of a (byte)string rounded up to the nearest multiple of 8."
    return 8 * ((len(s) + 7) // 8)

def pad_buffers(*buffers):
    '''Get a bytestring for padding a concatenated set of buffers

    *buffers : supported buffer type

    full_padded_length, pad_buffer
    unpadded_size = sum(bytelen(buf) for buf in buffers)
    pad_buffer = _pad_buffer[unpadded_size % 8]
    return unpadded_size + len(pad_buffer), pad_buffer

def padded_string_payload(payload):
    byte_payload = ensure_bytes(payload)
    padded_size = padded_len(byte_payload)
    return padded_size, byte_payload.ljust(padded_size, b'\x00')

def bytelen(item):
    Meaasure the byte length of an item.

    - ``array.array`` (from the builtin Python lib)
    - ``ctypes`` objects
    - an object that has an ``nbytes`` attribute (notably, numpy arrays and
    - ``bytes``
    - ``bytearray``
    if isinstance(item, array.array):
        return item.itemsize * len(item)
    elif isinstance(item, (ctypes.Structure, _ctypes._SimpleCData)):
        return ctypes.sizeof(item)
    elif hasattr(item, 'nbytes'):
        # Duck-type as numpy array / memoryview.
        return item.nbytes
    elif isinstance(item, (bytes, bytearray)):
        return len(item)
        # We could just fall back on len() but I worry that someone will
        # unwittingly use this on a type that has a __len__ that is not its
        # bytelength and is not already caught above. Better to fail like this.
        raise CaprotoNotImplementedError("Not sure how to measure byte length "
                                         "of object of type {}"

def parse_metadata(metadata, data_type):
    Parse metadata tuple into bytes or DBR.

    If input is:

    * tuple -> DBR struct
    * DBR struct or bytes -> no-op
    * None -> empty bytes object

    metadata : a DBR struct, any iterable, or bytes
    data_type : integer

    md_payload : a DBR struct or bytes
    if hasattr(metadata, 'DBR_ID'):
        # This is already a DBR.
        md_payload = metadata
    elif isinstance(metadata, bytes):
        md_payload = metadata
    elif metadata is None:
        md_payload = b''
    elif isinstance(metadata, Iterable):
        # This is a tuple of values to be encoded into a DBR.
        justified_md = []
        for val in metadata:
            if isinstance(val, str):
                if len(val) > MAX_STRING_SIZE:  # 39?
                    raise CaprotoValueError("The protocol limits strings to "
                                            "40 characters.")
                val = val.ljust(MAX_STRING_SIZE, b'\x00')
        md_payload = DBR_TYPES[data_type](*justified_md)
        raise CaprotoTypeError("metadata given as type we cannot handle - {}"
    return md_payload

def data_payload(data, metadata, data_type, data_count):
    Pack bytes into a set of buffers for usage as a single payload

    data : ``array.array``, ``numpy.ndarray``, any iterable, or bytes
        If input is bytes or ``array.array``, we assume that the byte order of
        the input is big-endian. (We have no means of checking.) If the input
        is ``numpy.ndarray`` or any other iterable, we ensure big-endianness.
    metadata : a DBR struct, any iterable, or bytes
    data_type : ChannelType or integer
    data_count : integer

    size, md_payload, data_payload[, pad_payload]
        pad_payload will only be returned if needed
    data_type = ChannelType(data_type)

    # Make the data payload.
    if isinstance(data, bytes):
        # Assume bytes are big-endian; we have no way of checking.
        data_payload = data
    elif (isinstance(data, backend.array_types) or
          isinstance(data, Iterable)):
        data_payload = backend.python_to_epics(
            native_type(data_type), data, byteswap=True)
    elif data is None:
        data_payload = b''
        raise CaprotoTypeError("data given as type we cannot handle - {}"

    md_payload = parse_metadata(metadata, data_type)
    size, pad_payload = pad_buffers(md_payload, data_payload)
    if pad_payload:
        return size, md_payload, data_payload, pad_payload
    return size, md_payload, data_payload

def extract_data(buffer, data_type, data_count):
    "Return a scalar or big-endian array (numpy.ndarray or array.array)."
    data = backend.epics_to_python(buffer, native_type(data_type), data_count,
    if data_count < len(data):
        return data[:data_count]  # (no copy)
    return data

def extract_metadata(payload, data_type):
    "Return one of the classes in"
    if data_type < 7:
        return None
    payload = bytearray(payload)  # Makes a copy -- maybe not necessary?
    return dbr.DBR_TYPES[data_type].from_buffer(payload)

def get_command_class(role, header):
    return Commands[role][header.command]

def read_datagram(data, address, role):
    "Parse bytes from one datagram into one or more commands."
    barray = bytearray(data)
    commands = []
    while barray:
        header = MessageHeader.from_buffer(barray)
        barray = barray[_MessageHeaderSize:]
            _class = Commands[role][header.command]
        except KeyError:
            raise RemoteProtocolError(
                f"Packet with bad command ID {hex(header.command)} was "
                f"received. Header: {header}"
            ) from None
        payload_size = header.payload_size
        if _class.HAS_PAYLOAD:
            payload_bytes = barray[:header.payload_size]
            barray = barray[payload_size:]
            payload_bytes = None
        command = _class.from_wire(header, payload_bytes,
    return commands

def bytes_needed_for_command(data, role):

    (header, num_bytes_needed)

    header_size = _MessageHeaderSize
    data_len = len(data)

    # We need at least one header's worth of bytes to interpret anything.
    if data_len < header_size:
        return None, header_size - data_len

    header = MessageHeader.from_buffer(data)
    # Looks for sentinels that mark this as an "extended header".
    if header.payload_size == 0xFFFF and header.data_count == 0:
        header_size = _ExtendedMessageHeaderSize
        # Do we have enough bytes to interpret the extended header?
        if data_len < header_size:
            return None, header_size - data_len
        header = ExtendedMessageHeader.from_buffer(data)

    total_size = header_size + header.payload_size
    # Do we have all the bytes in the payload?
    if data_len < total_size:
        return header, total_size - data_len
    return header, 0

def read_from_bytestream(data, role):

    (remaining_data, command, num_bytes_needed)
        if more data is required, NEED_DATA will be returned in place of

    header, num_bytes_needed = bytes_needed_for_command(data, role)

    if num_bytes_needed > 0:
        return data, NEED_DATA, num_bytes_needed

        _class = Commands[role][header.command]
    except KeyError:
        raise RemoteProtocolError(
            f"Packet with bad command ID {hex(header.command)} was received."
            f"\nThis may be a non-Channel Access client such as a security "
            f"scanner attempting to probe a server, a malfunctioning client, "
            f"or an unsupported client. If the above does not apply, please "
            f"open an issue:"
            f"\nHeader details: {header}."
        ) from None

    header_size = ctypes.sizeof(header)
    total_size = header_size + header.payload_size

    # Receive the buffer (zero-copy).
    payload_bytes = memoryview(data)[header_size:total_size]
    command = _class.from_wire(header, payload_bytes)
    # Advance the buffer.
    return data[total_size:], command, 0

Commands = {}
Commands[CLIENT] = {}
Commands[SERVER] = {}
_commands = set()

class Message:
    __slots__ = ('header', 'buffers', 'sender_address')
    ID = None  # integer, to be overriden by subclass

    def __init_subclass__(cls, register=True):
        if register:
            # Add this class to the global registries of commands.
            name = cls.__name__
            if name.endswith('Request'):
                direction = REQUEST
                command_dict = Commands[CLIENT]
                direction = RESPONSE
                command_dict = Commands[SERVER]

            cls.DIRECTION = direction

            if cls.ID is not None:
                command_dict[cls.ID] = cls

            if name in ('Beacon, '):
                Commands[CLIENT][cls.ID] = cls
                Commands[SERVER][cls.ID] = cls


    def __init__(self, header, *buffers, validate=True, sender_address=None):
        self.header = header
        self.buffers = buffers
        self.sender_address = sender_address

        if validate:

    def validate(self):
        size = sum(bytelen(buf) for buf in self.buffers)
        if self.buffers == () and self.header.payload_size != 0:
            raise ValidationError(
                "{}.header.payload_size {} > 0 but payload is None."
                "".format(type(self).__name__, self.header.payload_size))
        elif self.header.payload_size != size:
            raise ValidationError(
                "{}.header.payload_size {} != payload size of {}"
                "".format(type(self).__name__, self.header.payload_size, size))
        if self.header.command != self.ID:
            raise ValidationError(
                "A {} must have a header with header.command == {}, not {}."
                "".format(type(self).__name__, self.ID, self.header.command))

    def from_wire(cls, header, payload_bytes, *, sender_address=None,
        Use header.dbr_type to pack payload bytes into the right structure.

        Some Command types allocate a different meaning to the header.dbr_type
        field, and these override this method in their subclass.

        We do *not* validate by default, both for performance and for
        forward-compability. But validation may be useful to turn on in the
        context of consuming network traffic and trying to identify CA packets
        (e.g. caproto.sync.shark).
        if not cls.HAS_PAYLOAD:
            return cls.from_components(header)
        payload = from_buffer(header.data_type, header.data_count,
        return cls.from_components(header, *payload,

    def from_components(cls, header, *buffers, sender_address=None,
        # Bwahahahaha
        instance = cls.__new__(cls)
        instance.header = header
        instance.buffers = buffers
        instance.sender_address = sender_address
        if validate:
        return instance

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return bytes(self) == bytes(other)

    def __hash__(self):
        return hash(bytes(self))

    def __ne__(self, other):
        return bytes(self) != bytes(other)

    def __bytes__(self):
        # In general it's better to use self.buffers over bytes(self) because
        # The former does not copy large continuous memory arrays.
        raw_bytes = bytearray()
        # Concatenate buffers -- this copies data!
        for buf in self.buffers:
            raw_bytes += bytes(buf)
        # Trim 40-char string struct to payload_size.
        trimmed_bytes = raw_bytes[:self.header.payload_size]
        # Pad to multiple of 8.
        payload_bytes = trimmed_bytes.ljust(padded_len(trimmed_bytes), b'\x00')
        return bytes(self.header) + bytes(payload_bytes)

    def __repr__(self):
        signature = inspect.signature(type(self))
        parameters = (signature.parameters if type(self) is not Message
                      else ['header'])

        def safe_repr(arg):
                return repr(getattr(self, arg))
            except Exception as ex:
                return f'(repr: {ex})'

        d = [(arg, safe_repr(arg)) for arg in parameters]
        formatted_args = ", ".join(["{!s}={}".format(k, v)
                                    for k, v in d])
        return "{}({})".format(type(self).__name__, formatted_args)

    def __len__(self):
        return (ctypes.sizeof(self.header) +
                sum(bytelen(buf) for buf in self.buffers))

    def nbytes(self):
        return len(self)

[docs]class VersionRequest(Message): """ Initiate a new connection or broadcast between the client and the server. Fields: .. attribute:: priority Between 0 (low) and 99 (high) designating this connection's priority in the event of congestion. .. attribute:: version The version of the Channel Access protocol. """ __slots__ = () ID = 0 HAS_PAYLOAD = False def __init__(self, priority, version): header = VersionRequestHeader(priority, version) super().__init__(header) priority = property(lambda self: self.header.data_type) version = property(lambda self: self.header.data_count) def validate(self): if not (0 <= self.priority < 100): raise ValidationError("Expecting 0 < priority < 100")
[docs]class VersionResponse(Message): """ Respond to a client's initiation of a new connection or broadcast. Fields: .. attribute:: version The version of the Channel Access protocol. """ __slots__ = () ID = 0 HAS_PAYLOAD = False def __init__(self, version): header = VersionResponseHeader(version) super().__init__(header) version = property(lambda self: self.header.data_count)
[docs]class SearchRequest(Message): """ Query for the address of the server that provides a given Channel. Fields: .. attribute:: name String name of the channel (i.e. 'PV') .. attribute:: cid Integer that uniquely identifies this search query on the client side. .. attribute:: version The version of the Channel Access protocol. .. attribute:: payload_size Padded length of name string .. attribute:: reply Hard-coded to :data:`NO_REPLY` (:data:`5`) meaning that only the server(s) with an affirmative response should reply. """ __slots__ = () ID = 6 HAS_PAYLOAD = True def __init__(self, name, cid, version, reply=NO_REPLY): size, payload = padded_string_payload(name) rec, _, field = name.partition('.') _len = len(rec) if _len > MAX_RECORD_LENGTH: raise CaprotoValueError('EPICS 3.14 imposes a {}-character limit ' 'on record names. The record {!r} is {} ' 'characters.' ''.format(MAX_RECORD_LENGTH, name, _len)) header = SearchRequestHeader(size, reply, version, cid) super().__init__(header, b'', payload) @classmethod def from_wire(cls, header, *buffers, sender_address=None, validate=False): # Special-case to handle the fact that data_type holds whether or not # to reply to the request upon failure - this can cause part of the # payload to be interpreted as metadata in from_buffer (TODO: is there # a better place to special-case/fix this?) payload_buffer = b''.join(buffers) return cls.from_components(header, b'', payload_buffer, sender_address=sender_address, validate=validate) payload_size = property(lambda self: self.header.payload_size) reply = property(lambda self: self.header.data_type) version = property(lambda self: self.header.data_count) cid = property(lambda self: self.header.parameter1) name = property(lambda self: bytes(self.buffers[1]).rstrip(b'\x00').decode(STR_ENC))
[docs]class SearchResponse(Message): """ Answer a :class:`SearchRequest` giving the address of a Channel. Fields: .. attribute:: port Port number that will accept TCP connections with clients. .. attribute:: ip IP address (as a string) that will accept TCP connections with clients. .. attribute:: cid Echoing :data:`cid` of :class:`SearchRequest` to let the client match this response with the original request. .. attribute:: version The version of the Channel Access protocol. """ __slots__ = () ID = 6 HAS_PAYLOAD = True def __init__(self, port, ip, cid, version): if ip is None: ip = '' header = SearchResponseHeader(data_type=port, sid=ipv4_to_int32(ip), cid=cid) # Pad a uint16 to fill 8 bytes. payload = bytes(DBR_INT(version)).ljust(8, b'\x00') super().__init__(header, payload) @classmethod def from_wire(cls, header, *buffers, sender_address=None, validate=False): # Special-case to handle the fact that data_type field is not the data # type. (It's used to hold the server port, unrelated to the payload.) return cls.from_components(header, *buffers, sender_address=sender_address, validate=validate) @property def ip(self): # for CA version >= 4.11 return ipv4_from_int32(self.header.parameter1) @property def version(self): return DBR_INT.from_buffer(bytearray(self.buffers[0])[:2]).value port = property(lambda self: self.header.data_type) cid = property(lambda self: self.header.parameter2)
[docs]class NotFoundResponse(Message): """ Answer a :class:`SearchResponse` in the negative. Fields: .. attribute:: cid Echoing :data:`cid` of :class:`SearchRequest` to let the client match this response with the original request. .. attribute:: version The version of the Channel Access protocol. """ __slots__ = () ID = 14 HAS_PAYLOAD = False def __init__(self, version, cid): header = NotFoundResponseHeader(DO_REPLY, version, cid) super().__init__(header) reply_flag = property(lambda self: self.header.data_type) version = property(lambda self: self.header.data_count) cid = property(lambda self: self.header.parameter1)
[docs]class EchoRequest(Message): """ Request an :class:`EchoResponse`. This command has no fields. """ __slots__ = () ID = 23 HAS_PAYLOAD = False def __init__(self): super().__init__(EchoRequestHeader())
[docs]class EchoResponse(Message): """ Respond to an :class:`EchoRequest`. This command has no fields. """ __slots__ = () ID = 23 HAS_PAYLOAD = False def __init__(self): super().__init__(EchoResponseHeader())
[docs]class Beacon(Message): """ Heartbeat beacon sent by the server. Fields: .. attribute:: version The version of the Channel Access protocol. .. attribute:: server_port Port number. .. attribute:: beacon_id Sequentially incremented integer. .. attribute:: address IP address encoded as integer. .. attribute:: address_string IP address as string. """ __slots__ = () ID = 13 HAS_PAYLOAD = False def __init__(self, version, server_port, beacon_id, address): # TODO if address is 0, it should be replaced with the remote ip from # the udp packet header = BeaconHeader(version, server_port, beacon_id, ipv4_to_int32(str(address))) super().__init__(header) version = property(lambda self: self.header.data_type) server_port = property(lambda self: self.header.data_count) beacon_id = property(lambda self: self.header.parameter1) address = property(lambda self: ipv4_from_int32(self.header.parameter2))
[docs]class RepeaterConfirmResponse(Message): """ Confirm successful client registration with the Repeater. Fields: .. attribute:: repeater_address IP address of repeater (as a string). """ __slots__ = () ID = 17 HAS_PAYLOAD = False def __init__(self, repeater_address): header = RepeaterConfirmResponseHeader( ipv4_to_int32(str(repeater_address))) super().__init__(header) @property def repeater_address(self): return ipv4_from_int32(self.header.parameter2)
[docs]class RepeaterRegisterRequest(Message): """ Register a client with the Repeater. Fields: .. attribute:: client_address IP address of the client (as a string). """ __slots__ = () ID = 24 HAS_PAYLOAD = False def __init__(self, client_address=''): header = RepeaterRegisterRequestHeader( ipv4_to_int32(str(client_address))) super().__init__(header) @property def client_address(self): return ipv4_from_int32(self.header.parameter2)
class EventAddRequestPayload(ctypes.BigEndianStructure): ''' Attributes ---------- low : float Low delta value (deprecated) high : float High delta value (deprecated) to : float Period between samples (deprecated) mask : int Event selection mask ''' _fields_ = [('low', float_t), ('high', float_t), ('to', float_t), ('mask', ushort_t), ('__padding', short_t), ] def __init__(self, low=0.0, high=0.0, to=0.0, mask=0): self.low = low self.high = high = to self.mask = mask self.__padding = 0 def __len__(self): return ctypes.sizeof(self) @property def nbytes(self): return len(self)
[docs]class EventAddRequest(Message): """ Subscribe; i.e. request to notified of changes in a Channel's value. Fields: .. attribute:: data_type Integer code of desired DBR type of readings. .. attribute:: data_count Desired number of elements per reading. .. attribute:: sid Integer ID of this Channel designated by the server. .. attribute:: subscriptionid New integer ID designated by the client uniquely identifying this subscription on this Virtual Circuit. .. attribute:: low Deprecated. (Use :data:`mask`.) .. attribute:: high Deprecated. (Use :data:`mask`.) .. attribute:: to Deprecated. (Use :data:`mask`.) .. attribute:: mask Mask indicating which changes to report. """ __slots__ = () ID = 1 HAS_PAYLOAD = True def __init__(self, data_type, data_count, sid, subscriptionid, low, high, to, mask): header = EventAddRequestHeader( ChannelType(data_type), data_count, sid, subscriptionid ) payload = EventAddRequestPayload(low=low, high=high, to=to, mask=mask) super().__init__(header, payload) @classmethod def from_wire(cls, header, *buffers, sender_address=None, validate=False): payload_struct = EventAddRequestPayload.from_buffer(buffers[0]) return cls.from_components(header, payload_struct, sender_address=sender_address, validate=validate) @property def payload_struct(self): return EventAddRequestPayload.from_buffer(self.buffers[0]) data_type = property(lambda self: ChannelType(self.header.data_type)) data_count = property(lambda self: self.header.data_count) sid = property(lambda self: self.header.parameter1) subscriptionid = property(lambda self: self.header.parameter2) low = property(lambda self: self.payload_struct.low) high = property(lambda self: self.payload_struct.high) to = property(lambda self: mask = property(lambda self: self.payload_struct.mask) __padding = property(lambda self: self.payload_struct.__padding)
[docs]class EventAddResponse(Message): """ Notify the client of a change in a Channel's value. Fields: .. attribute:: data data as built-in Python or numpy types .. attribute:: data_type Integer code of DBR type of reading. .. attribute:: data_count Number of elements in this reading. .. attribute:: sid Integer ID of this Channel designated by the server. .. attribute:: status As per Channel Access spec, 1 is success; 0 or >1 are various failures. .. attribute:: subscriptionid Echoing the :data:`subscriptionid` in the :class:`EventAddRequest` """ __slots__ = ('__weakref__',) ID = 1 HAS_PAYLOAD = True def __init__(self, data, data_type, data_count, status, subscriptionid, *, metadata=None): size, *buffers = data_payload( data, metadata, ChannelType(data_type), data_count ) status = ensure_eca_value(status) header = EventAddResponseHeader(size, data_type, data_count, status, subscriptionid) super().__init__(header, *buffers) payload_size = property(lambda self: self.header.payload_size) data_type = property(lambda self: ChannelType(self.header.data_type)) data_count = property(lambda self: self.header.data_count) subscriptionid = property(lambda self: self.header.parameter2) @property def data(self): return extract_data(self.buffers[1], self.data_type, self.data_count) @property def metadata(self): return extract_metadata(self.buffers[0], self.data_type) @property def status(self): return eca_value_to_status[self.header.parameter1] @classmethod def from_wire(cls, header, payload_bytes, *, sender_address=None, validate=False): # libca responds to EventCancelRequest with an # EventAddResponse with an empty payload. if not payload_bytes: return cls.from_components(header, sender_address=sender_address, validate=validate) payload = from_buffer(header.data_type, header.data_count, payload_bytes) return cls.from_components(header, *payload, sender_address=sender_address, validate=validate)
[docs]class EventCancelRequest(Message): """ End notifcations about chnages in a Channel's value. Fields: .. attribute:: data_type Integer code of DBR type of reading. .. attribute:: sid Integer ID of this Channel designated by the server. .. attribute:: subscriptionid Integer ID for this subscription. """ __slots__ = () ID = 2 HAS_PAYLOAD = False def __init__(self, data_type, sid, subscriptionid): header = EventCancelRequestHeader( ChannelType(data_type), 0, sid, subscriptionid ) super().__init__(header) data_type = property(lambda self: ChannelType(self.header.data_type)) sid = property(lambda self: self.header.parameter1) subscriptionid = property(lambda self: self.header.parameter2)
[docs]class EventCancelResponse(Message): """ Confirm receipt of :class:`EventCancelRequest`. Fields: .. attribute:: data_type Integer code of DBR type of reading. .. attribute:: sid Integer ID of this Channel designated by the server. .. attribute:: subscriptionid Integer ID for this subscription. """ # Actually this is coded with the ID = 1 like EventAdd*. __slots__ = () ID = 2 HAS_PAYLOAD = False def __init__(self, data_type, sid, subscriptionid, data_count): header = EventCancelResponseHeader( ChannelType(data_type), data_count, sid, subscriptionid ) super().__init__(header) data_type = property(lambda self: ChannelType(self.header.data_type)) data_count = property(lambda self: self.header.data_count) sid = property(lambda self: self.header.parameter1) subscriptionid = property(lambda self: self.header.parameter2) def validate(self): # special case because of weird ID if self.header.command != 1: raise ValidationError("A {} must have a header with " "header.command == 1, not {}." "".format(type(self), self.header.command)) if any(len(buf) for buf in self.buffers): raise ValidationError("A {} must have no payload." "".format(type(self)))
# do not call super()
[docs]class ReadRequest(Message): "Deprecated by Channel Access since 3.13. See :class:`ReadNotifyRequest`." __slots__ = () ID = 3 HAS_PAYLOAD = False def __init__(self, data_type, data_count, sid, ioid): header = ReadRequestHeader(ChannelType(data_type), data_count, sid, ioid) super().__init__(header, validate=False) data_type = property(lambda self: ChannelType(self.header.data_type)) data_count = property(lambda self: self.header.data_count) sid = property(lambda self: self.header.parameter1) ioid = property(lambda self: self.header.parameter2)
[docs]class ReadResponse(Message): "Deprecated by Channel Access since 3.13. See :class:`ReadNotifyResponse`." __slots__ = () ID = 3 HAS_PAYLOAD = True @classmethod def from_wire(cls, header, payload_bytes, *, sender_address=None, validate=False): warnings.warn("ReadResponse was deprecated by ChannelAccess in 3.13, " "and is not well-supported by caproto. De-serialization " "may not be correct.") return super().from_wire(header, payload_bytes, sender_address=sender_address, validate=validate) def __init__(self, data, data_type, data_count, sid, ioid, *, metadata=None): warnings.warn("ReadResponse was deprecated by ChannelAccess in 3.13, " "and is not well-supported by caproto. Serialization " "may not be correct.") size, *buffers = data_payload(data, metadata, data_type, data_count) header = ReadResponseHeader(size, data_type, data_count, sid, ioid) super().__init__(header, *buffers) payload_size = property(lambda self: self.header.payload_size) data_type = property(lambda self: self.header.data_type) data_count = property(lambda self: self.header.data_count) sid = property(lambda self: self.header.parameter1) ioid = property(lambda self: self.header.parameter2) @property def data(self): return extract_data(self.buffers[1], self.data_type, self.data_count) @property def metadata(self): return extract_metadata(self.buffers[0], self.data_type)
[docs]class WriteRequest(Message): "Deprecated: See :class:`WriteNotifyRequest`." __slots__ = () ID = 4 HAS_PAYLOAD = True def __init__(self, data, data_type, data_count, sid, ioid, *, metadata=None): size, *buffers = data_payload(data, metadata, data_type, data_count) header = WriteRequestHeader(size, data_type, data_count, sid, ioid) super().__init__(header, *buffers) payload_size = property(lambda self: self.header.payload_size) data_type = property(lambda self: ChannelType(self.header.data_type)) data_count = property(lambda self: self.header.data_count) sid = property(lambda self: self.header.parameter1) ioid = property(lambda self: self.header.parameter2) @property def data(self): return extract_data(self.buffers[1], self.data_type, self.data_count) @property def metadata(self): return extract_metadata(self.buffers[0], self.data_type)
# There is no 'WriteResponse'. See WriteNotifyRequest/WriteNotifyResponse.
[docs]class EventsOffRequest(Message): """ Temporarily turn off :class:`EventAddResponse` notifications. This command has no fields. """ __slots__ = () ID = 8 HAS_PAYLOAD = False def __init__(self): super().__init__(EventsOffRequestHeader())
[docs]class EventsOnRequest(Message): """ Restore :class:`EventAddResponse` notifications. This command has no fields. """ __slots__ = () ID = 9 HAS_PAYLOAD = False def __init__(self): super().__init__(EventsOnRequestHeader())
[docs]class ReadSyncRequest(Message): "Deprecated by Channel Access: See :class:`ReadNotifyRequest`" __slots__ = () ID = 10 HAS_PAYLOAD = False def __init__(self): super().__init__(ReadSyncRequestHeader())
[docs]class ErrorResponse(Message): """ Notify client of a server-side error, including some details about error. Fields: .. attribute:: cid Integer ID for this Channel designated by the client. .. attribute:: status As per Channel Access spec, 1 is success; 0 or >1 are various failures. """ __slots__ = () ID = 11 HAS_PAYLOAD = True def __init__(self, original_request, cid, status, error_message): msg_size, msg_payload = padded_string_payload(error_message) req_bytes = bytes(original_request.header) size = len(req_bytes) + msg_size payload = req_bytes + msg_payload status = ensure_eca_value(status) header = ErrorResponseHeader(size, cid, status) super().__init__(header, b'', payload) payload_size = property(lambda self: self.header.payload_size) cid = property(lambda self: self.header.parameter1) @property def error_message(self): err_msg_bytes = bytearray(self.buffers[1][_MessageHeaderSize:]) return err_msg_bytes @property def original_request(self): req_bytes = bytearray(self.buffers[1][:_MessageHeaderSize]) return MessageHeader.from_buffer(req_bytes) @property def status(self): return eca_value_to_status[self.header.parameter2] @classmethod def from_wire(cls, header, payload_bytes, *, sender_address=None, validate=False): return cls.from_components(header, b'', payload_bytes, sender_address=sender_address, validate=validate)
[docs]class ClearChannelRequest(Message): """ Close a Channel. Fields: .. attribute:: cid Integer ID for this Channel designated by the client. .. attribute:: sid Integer ID for this Channel designated by the server. """ __slots__ = () ID = 12 HAS_PAYLOAD = False def __init__(self, sid, cid): super().__init__(ClearChannelRequestHeader(sid, cid)) sid = property(lambda self: self.header.parameter1) cid = property(lambda self: self.header.parameter2)
[docs]class ClearChannelResponse(Message): """ Confirm that a Channel has been closed. Fields: .. attribute:: cid Integer ID for this Channel designated by the client. .. attribute:: sid Integer ID for this Channel designated by the server. """ __slots__ = () ID = 12 HAS_PAYLOAD = False def __init__(self, sid, cid): super().__init__(ClearChannelResponseHeader(sid, cid)) sid = property(lambda self: self.header.parameter1) cid = property(lambda self: self.header.parameter2)
[docs]class ReadNotifyRequest(Message): """ Request a fresh reading of a Channel. Fields: .. attribute:: data_type Integer code of desired DBR type of readings. .. attribute:: data_count Desired number of elements per reading. .. attribute:: sid Integer ID for this Channel designated by the server. .. attribute:: ioid New integer ID uniquely identifying this I/O transaction on this Virtual Circuit. """ __slots__ = () ID = 15 HAS_PAYLOAD = False def __init__(self, data_type, data_count, sid, ioid): header = ReadNotifyRequestHeader( ChannelType(data_type), data_count, sid, ioid ) super().__init__(header) data_type = property(lambda self: ChannelType(self.header.data_type)) data_count = property(lambda self: self.header.data_count) sid = property(lambda self: self.header.parameter1) ioid = property(lambda self: self.header.parameter2)
[docs]class ReadNotifyResponse(Message): """ Request a fresh reading of a Channel. Fields: .. attribute:: data data as built-in Python or numpy types .. attribute:: metadata metadata in a ctypes.Structure .. attribute:: data_type Integer code of desired DBR type of readings. .. attribute:: data_count Desired number of elements per reading. .. attribute:: status As per Channel Access spec, 1 is success; 0 or >1 are various failures. .. attribute:: ioid Integer ID for I/O transaction, echoing :class:`ReadNotifyRequest`. """ __slots__ = () ID = 15 HAS_PAYLOAD = True def __init__(self, data, data_type, data_count, status, ioid, *, metadata=None): size, *buffers = data_payload(data, metadata, data_type, data_count) status = ensure_eca_value(status) header = ReadNotifyResponseHeader(size, data_type, data_count, status, ioid) super().__init__(header, *buffers) payload_size = property(lambda self: self.header.payload_size) @property def data(self): return extract_data(self.buffers[1], self.data_type, self.data_count) @property def metadata(self): return extract_metadata(self.buffers[0], self.data_type) @property def status(self): return eca_value_to_status[self.header.parameter1] data_type = property(lambda self: ChannelType(self.header.data_type)) data_count = property(lambda self: self.header.data_count) ioid = property(lambda self: self.header.parameter2)
class CreateChanRequest(Message): """ Request a new Channel. Fields: .. attribute:: name String name of the channel (i.e. 'PV') .. attribute:: cid New integer ID designated by the client, uniquely identifying this Channel on its VirtualCircuit. .. attribute:: version The version of the Channel Access protocol. """ __slots__ = () ID = 18 HAS_PAYLOAD = True def __init__(self, name, cid, version): size, payload = padded_string_payload(name) header = CreateChanRequestHeader(size, cid, version) super().__init__(header, b'', payload) @classmethod def from_wire(cls, header, payload_bytes, *, sender_address=None, validate=False): """ Use header.dbr_type to pack payload bytes into the right strucutre. Some Command types allocate a different meaning to the header.dbr_type field, and these override this method in their subclass. """ return cls.from_components(header, b'', payload_bytes, sender_address=sender_address, validate=validate) payload_size = property(lambda self: self.header.payload_size) cid = property(lambda self: self.header.parameter1) version = property(lambda self: self.header.parameter2) name = property(lambda self: bytes(self.buffers[1]).rstrip(b'\x00').decode(STR_ENC)) class CreateChanResponse(Message): """ Confirm the intialization of a new Channel Fields: .. attribute:: data_type Integer code of native DBR type of readings. .. attribute:: data_count Native number of elements per reading. .. attribute:: cid Integer ID for this Channel designated by the client, echoing the value in :class:`CreateChanRequest`. .. attribute:: sid New integer ID for this Channel designated by the server uniquely identifying this Channel on its VirtualCircuit. """ __slots__ = () ID = 18 HAS_PAYLOAD = False def __init__(self, data_type, data_count, cid, sid): header = CreateChanResponseHeader( ChannelType(data_type), data_count, cid, sid ) super().__init__(header) data_type = property(lambda self: ChannelType(self.header.data_type)) data_count = property(lambda self: self.header.data_count) cid = property(lambda self: self.header.parameter1) sid = property(lambda self: self.header.parameter2)
[docs]class WriteNotifyRequest(Message): """ Write a value to a Channel. Fields: .. attribute:: data data as built-in Python or numpy types .. attribute:: metadata metadata in a ctypes.Structure .. attribute:: data_type Integer code of DBR type. .. attribute:: data_count Number of elements. .. attribute:: sid Integer ID for this Channel designated by the server. .. attribute:: ioid New integer ID uniquely identifying this I/O transaction on this Virtual Circuit. """ __slots__ = () ID = 19 HAS_PAYLOAD = True def __init__(self, data, data_type, data_count, sid, ioid, *, metadata=None): size, *buffers = data_payload(data, metadata, data_type, data_count) header = WriteNotifyRequestHeader(size, data_type, data_count, sid, ioid) super().__init__(header, *buffers) payload_size = property(lambda self: self.header.payload_size) data_type = property(lambda self: ChannelType(self.header.data_type)) data_count = property(lambda self: self.header.data_count) sid = property(lambda self: self.header.parameter1) ioid = property(lambda self: self.header.parameter2) @property def data(self): return extract_data(self.buffers[1], self.data_type, self.data_count) @property def metadata(self): return extract_metadata(self.buffers[0], self.data_type)
[docs]class WriteNotifyResponse(Message): """ Confirm the receipt of a :class:`WriteNotifyRequest`. Fields: .. attribute:: data_type Integer code of DBR type. .. attribute:: data_count Number of elements. .. attribute:: sid Integer ID for this Channel designated by the server. .. attribute:: ioid Integer ID for this I/O transaction, echoing :class:`WriteNotifyRequest`. .. attribute:: status As per Channel Access spec, 1 is success; 0 or >1 are various failures. """ __slots__ = () ID = 19 HAS_PAYLOAD = False def __init__(self, data_type, data_count, status, ioid): status = ensure_eca_value(status) header = WriteNotifyResponseHeader( ChannelType(data_type), data_count, status, ioid ) super().__init__(header) data_type = property(lambda self: ChannelType(self.header.data_type)) data_count = property(lambda self: self.header.data_count) ioid = property(lambda self: self.header.parameter2) @property def status(self): return eca_value_to_status[self.header.parameter1]
[docs]class ClientNameRequest(Message): """ Tell the server the client name (i.e., user name) of the client. Fields: .. attribute:: name Client name. """ __slots__ = () ID = 20 HAS_PAYLOAD = True def __init__(self, name): size, payload = padded_string_payload(name) header = ClientNameRequestHeader(size) super().__init__(header, b'', payload) @classmethod def from_wire(cls, header, payload_bytes, *, sender_address=None, validate=False): """ Use header.dbr_type to pack payload bytes into the right strucutre. Some Command types allocate a different meaning to the header.dbr_type field, and these override this method in their subclass. """ return cls.from_components(header, b'', payload_bytes, sender_address=sender_address, validate=validate) payload_size = property(lambda self: self.header.payload_size) name = property(lambda self: bytes(self.buffers[1]).rstrip(b'\x00').decode(STR_ENC))
[docs]class HostNameRequest(Message): """ Tell the server the host name of the client. Fields: .. attribute:: name Host name. """ __slots__ = () ID = 21 HAS_PAYLOAD = True def __init__(self, name): size, payload = padded_string_payload(name) header = HostNameRequestHeader(size) super().__init__(header, b'', payload) payload_size = property(lambda self: self.header.payload_size) name = property(lambda self: bytes(self.buffers[1]).rstrip(b'\x00').decode(STR_ENC)) @classmethod def from_wire(cls, header, payload_bytes, *, sender_address=None, validate=False): return cls.from_components(header, b'', payload_bytes, sender_address=sender_address, validate=validate)
[docs]class AccessRightsResponse(Message): """ Notify the client that channel creation failed. Fields: .. attribute:: cid Integer ID for this Channel designated by the client. .. attribute:: access_rights Integer designated level of read or write access. (See Channel Access spec for details about meanings.) """ __slots__ = () ID = 22 HAS_PAYLOAD = False def __init__(self, cid, access_rights): header = AccessRightsResponseHeader(cid, access_rights) super().__init__(header) cid = property(lambda self: self.header.parameter1) access_rights = property(lambda self: AccessRights(self.header.parameter2))
[docs]class CreateChFailResponse(Message): """ Notify the client that channel creation failed. Fields: .. attribute:: cid Integer ID for this Channel designated by the client. """ __slots__ = () ID = 26 HAS_PAYLOAD = False def __init__(self, cid): super().__init__(CreateChFailResponseHeader(cid)) cid = property(lambda self: self.header.parameter1)
[docs]class ServerDisconnResponse(Message): """ Notify the client that server will disconnect from this Channel. Fields: .. attribute:: cid Integer ID for this Channel designated by the client. """ __slots__ = () ID = 27 HAS_PAYLOAD = False def __init__(self, cid): super().__init__(ServerDisconnResponseHeader(cid)) cid = property(lambda self: self.header.parameter1)