Source code for caproto._data

# These classes ChannelData classes hold the state associated with the data
# source underlying a Channel, including data values, alarm state, and
# metadata. They perform data type conversions in response to requests to read
# data as a certain type, and they push updates into queues registered by a
# higher-level server.
import copy
import time
import weakref
from collections import defaultdict, namedtuple
from import Iterable

from ._backend import backend
from ._commands import parse_metadata
from ._constants import MAX_ENUM_STATES, MAX_ENUM_STRING_SIZE
from ._dbr import (DBR_STSACK_STRING, DBR_TYPES, AccessRights, AlarmSeverity,
                   AlarmStatus, ChannelType, GraphicControlBase,
                   SubscriptionType, _channel_type_by_name,
                   _LongStringChannelType, native_type, native_types,
                   time_types, timestamp_to_epics)
from ._utils import (CaprotoError, CaprotoValueError, ConversionDirection,

__all__ = ('Forbidden',

SubscriptionUpdate = namedtuple('SubscriptionUpdate',
                                ('sub_specs', 'metadata', 'values',
                                 'flags', 'sub'))

class Forbidden(CaprotoError):

class CannotExceedLimits(CaprotoValueError):

class SkipWrite(Exception):
    """Raise this exception to skip further processing of write()."""

def dbr_metadata_to_dict(dbr_metadata, string_encoding):
    '''Return a dictionary of metadata keys to values'''
    info = dbr_metadata.to_dict()

        info['units'] = info['units'].decode(string_encoding)
    except KeyError:

    return info

def _read_only_property(key, doc=None):
    '''Create property that gives read-only access to instance._data[key]'''
    if doc is None:
        doc = f"Read-only access to {key} data"
    return property(lambda self: self._data[key], doc=doc)

class ChannelAlarm:
    def __init__(self, *, status=0, severity=0,
                 must_acknowledge_transient=True, severity_to_acknowledge=0,
                 alarm_string='', string_encoding='latin-1'):
        Alarm metadata that can be used by one or more ChannelData instances.

        status : int or AlarmStatus, optional
            Status information.
        severity : int or AlarmSeverity, optional
            Severity information.
        must_acknowledge_transient : int, optional
            Whether or not transient alarms must be acknowledged.
        severity_to_acknowledge : int, optional
            The highest alarm severity to acknowledge. If the current alarm
            severity is less then or equal to this value the alarm is
        alarm_string : str, optional
            Alarm information.
        string_encoding : str, optional
            String encoding of the alarm string.
        self._channels = weakref.WeakSet()
        self.string_encoding = string_encoding
        self._data = dict(
            status=status, severity=severity,

    def __getnewargs_ex__(self):
        kwargs = {
            'status': self.status,
            'severity': self.severity,
            'must_acknowledge_transient': self.must_acknowledge_transient,
            'severity_to_acknowledge': self.severity_to_acknowledge,
            'alarm_string': self.alarm_string,
            'string_encoding': self.string_encoding,
        return ((), kwargs)

    status = _read_only_property('status',
                                 doc='Current alarm status')
    severity = _read_only_property('severity',
                                   doc='Current alarm severity')
    must_acknowledge_transient = _read_only_property(
        doc='Toggle whether or not transient alarms must be acknowledged')

    severity_to_acknowledge = _read_only_property(
        doc='The alarm severity that has been acknowledged')

    alarm_string = _read_only_property('alarm_string',
                                       doc='String associated with alarm')

    def __repr__(self):
        return f'<ChannelAlarm(status={self.status}, severity={self.severity})>'

    def connect(self, channel_data):
        """Add a ChannelData instance to the channel set using this alarm."""

    def disconnect(self, channel_data):
        """Remove ChannelData instance from channel set using this alarm."""

    async def read(self, dbr=None):
        """Read alarm information into a DBR_STSACK_STRING instance."""
        if dbr is None:
            dbr = DBR_STSACK_STRING()
        dbr.status = self.status
        dbr.severity = self.severity
        dbr.ackt = 1 if self.must_acknowledge_transient else 0
        dbr.acks = self.severity_to_acknowledge
        dbr.value = self.alarm_string.encode(self.string_encoding)
        return dbr

    async def write(self, *, status=None, severity=None,
                    alarm_string=None, flags=0, publish=True):
        Write data to the alarm and optionally publish it to clients.

        status : int or AlarmStatus, optional
            Status information.
        severity : int or AlarmSeverity, optional
            Severity information.
        must_acknowledge_transient : int, optional
            Whether or not transient alarms must be acknowledged.
        severity_to_acknowledge : int, optional
            The highest alarm severity to acknowledge. If the current alarm
            severity is less then or equal to this value the alarm is
        alarm_string : str, optional
            Alarm information.
        flags : SubscriptionType or int, optional
            Subscription flags.
        publish : bool, optional
            Optionally publish the alarm status after the write.
        data = self._data

        if status is not None:
            data['status'] = AlarmStatus(status)
            flags |= SubscriptionType.DBE_VALUE

        if severity is not None:
            data['severity'] = AlarmSeverity(severity)

            if (not self.must_acknowledge_transient or
                    self.severity_to_acknowledge < self.severity):
                data['severity_to_acknowledge'] = self.severity

            flags |= SubscriptionType.DBE_ALARM

        if must_acknowledge_transient is not None:
            data['must_acknowledge_transient'] = must_acknowledge_transient
            if (not must_acknowledge_transient and
                    self.severity_to_acknowledge > self.severity):
                # Reset the severity to acknowledge if disabling transient
                # requirement
                data['severity_to_acknowledge'] = self.severity
            flags |= SubscriptionType.DBE_ALARM

        if severity_to_acknowledge is not None:
            # To clear, set greater than or equal to the
            # severity_to_acknowledge
            if severity_to_acknowledge >= self.severity:
                data['severity_to_acknowledge'] = 0
                flags |= SubscriptionType.DBE_ALARM

        if alarm_string is not None:
            data['alarm_string'] = alarm_string
            flags |= SubscriptionType.DBE_ALARM

        if publish:
            await self.publish(flags)

    async def publish(self, flags, *, except_for=None):
        Publish alarm information to all listening channels.

        flags : SubscriptionType
            The subscription type to publish.
        except_for : sequence of ChannelData, optional
            Skip publishing to these channels, mainly to avoid recursion.
        except_for = except_for or ()
        for channel in self._channels:
            if channel not in except_for:
                await channel.publish(flags)

[docs]class ChannelData: """ Base class holding data and metadata which can be sent across a Channel. Parameters ---------- value : Data which has to match with this class's ``data_type``. timestamp : float, optional Posix timestamp associated with the value. Defaults to ``time.time()``. max_length : int, optional Maximum array length of the data. string_encoding : str, optional Encoding to use for strings, used when serializing and deserializing data. reported_record_type : str, optional Though this is not a record, the channel access protocol supports querying the record type. This can be set to mimic an actual record or be set to something arbitrary. Defaults to 'caproto'. """ data_type = ChannelType.LONG _compatible_array_types = {} def __init__(self, *, alarm=None, value=None, timestamp=None, max_length=None, string_encoding='latin-1', reported_record_type='caproto'): if timestamp is None: timestamp = time.time() if alarm is None: alarm = ChannelAlarm() self._alarm = None self._status = None self._severity = None # now use the setter to attach the alarm correctly: self.alarm = alarm self._max_length = max_length self.string_encoding = string_encoding self.reported_record_type = reported_record_type if self._max_length is None: # Use the current length as maximum, if unspecified. self._max_length = max(self.calculate_length(value), 1) # It is possible to pass in a zero-length array to start with. # However, it is not useful to have an empty value forever, so the # minimum length here is required to be at least 1. value = self.preprocess_value(value) self._data = dict(value=value, timestamp=timestamp) # This is a dict keyed on queues that will receive subscription # updates. (Each queue belongs to a Context.) Each value is itself a # dict, mapping data_types to the set of SubscriptionSpecs that request # that data_type. self._queues = defaultdict( lambda: defaultdict( lambda: defaultdict(set))) # Cache results of data_type conversions. This maps data_type to # (metdata, value). This is cleared each time publish() is called. self._content = {} self._snapshots = defaultdict(dict) self._fill_at_next_write = list() def calculate_length(self, value): 'Calculate the number of elements given a value' is_array = isinstance(value, (list, tuple) + backend.array_types) if is_array: return len(value) if isinstance(value, (bytes, str, bytearray)): if self.data_type == ChannelType.CHAR: return len(value) return 1 @property def length(self): 'The number of elements (length) of the current value' return self.calculate_length(self.value) @property def max_length(self): 'The maximum number of elements (length) this channel can hold' return self._max_length def preprocess_value(self, value): '''Pre-process values destined for verify_value and write A few basic things are done here, based on max_count: 1. If length >= 2, ensure the value is a list 2. If length == 1, ensure the value is an unpacked scalar 3. Ensure len(value) <= length Raises ------ CaprotoValueError ''' is_array = isinstance(value, (list, tuple) + backend.array_types) if is_array: if len(value) > self._max_length: # TODO consider an exception for caproto-only environments that # can handle dynamically resized arrays (i.e., sizes greater # than the initial max_length)? raise CaprotoValueError( f'Value of length {len(value)} is too large for ' f'{self.__class__.__name__}(max_length={self._max_length})' ) if self._max_length == 1: if is_array: if len(value): # scalar value in a list -> scalar value return value[0] raise CaprotoValueError( 'Cannot set a scalar to an empty array') elif not is_array: # scalar value that should be in a list -> list return [value] return value def __getnewargs_ex__(self): # ref: kwargs = {'timestamp': self.timestamp, 'alarm': self.alarm, 'string_encoding': self.string_encoding, 'reported_record_type': self.reported_record_type, 'data': self._data, 'max_length': self._max_length} return ((), kwargs) value = _read_only_property('value') timestamp = _read_only_property('timestamp') # "before" — only the last value received before the state changes from # false to true is forwarded to the client. # "first" — only the first value received after the state changes from true # to false is forwarded to the client. # "while" — values are forwarded to the client as long as the state is true. # "last" — only the last value received before the state changes from true # to false is forwarded to the client. # "after" — only the first value received after the state changes from true # to false is forwarded to the client. # "unless" — values are forwarded to the client as long as the state is # false. def pre_state_change(self, state, new_value): "This is called by the server when it enters its StateUpdateContext." snapshots = self._snapshots[state] snapshots.clear() snapshot = copy.deepcopy(self) if new_value: # We are changing from false to true. snapshots['before'] = snapshot else: # We are changing from true to false. snapshots['last'] = snapshot def post_state_change(self, state, new_value): "This is called by the server when it exits its StateUpdateContext." snapshots = self._snapshots[state] if new_value: # We have changed from false to true. snapshots['while'] = self self._fill_at_next_write.append((state, 'after')) else: # We have changed from true to false. snapshots['unless'] = self self._fill_at_next_write.append((state, 'first')) @property def alarm(self): 'The ChannelAlarm associated with this data' return self._alarm @alarm.setter def alarm(self, alarm): old_alarm = self._alarm if old_alarm is alarm: return if old_alarm is not None: old_alarm.disconnect(self) self._alarm = alarm if alarm is not None: alarm.connect(self) async def subscribe(self, queue, sub_spec, sub): """ Subscribe a queue for the given subscription specification. Parameters ---------- queue : asyncio.Queue or compatible The queue to send data to. sub_spec : SubscriptionSpec The matching subscription specification. sub : Subscription The subscription instance. """ by_sync = self._queues[queue][sub_spec.channel_filter.sync] by_sync[sub_spec.data_type_name].add(sub_spec) # Always send current reading immediately upon subscription. try: metadata, values = self._content[sub_spec.data_type_name] except KeyError: # Do the expensive data type conversion and cache it in case # a future subscription wants the same data type. data_type = _channel_type_by_name[sub_spec.data_type_name] metadata, values = await self._read(data_type) self._content[sub_spec.data_type_name] = metadata, values await queue.put(SubscriptionUpdate((sub_spec,), metadata, values, 0, sub)) async def unsubscribe(self, queue, sub_spec): """ Unsubscribe a queue for the given subscription specification. Parameters ---------- queue : asyncio.Queue or compatible The queue to send data to. sub_spec : SubscriptionSpec The subscription specification. """ by_sync = self._queues[queue][sub_spec.channel_filter.sync] by_sync[sub_spec.data_type_name].discard(sub_spec) async def auth_read(self, hostname, username, data_type, *, user_address=None): '''Get DBR data and native data, converted to a specific type''' access = self.check_access(hostname, username) if AccessRights.READ not in access: raise Forbidden("Client with hostname {} and username {} cannot " "read.".format(hostname, username)) return (await async def read(self, data_type): """ Read out the ChannelData as ``data_type``. Parameters ---------- data_type : ChannelType The data type to read out. """ # Subclass might trigger a write here to update self._data before # reading it out. return (await self._read(data_type)) async def _read(self, data_type): """ Inner method to read out the ChannelData as ``data_type``. Parameters ---------- data_type : ChannelType The data type to read out. """ # special cases for alarm strings and class name if data_type == ChannelType.STSACK_STRING: ret = await return (ret, b'') elif data_type == ChannelType.CLASS_NAME: class_name = DBR_TYPES[data_type]() rtyp = self.reported_record_type.encode(self.string_encoding) class_name.value = rtyp return class_name, b'' if data_type in _LongStringChannelType: native_to = _LongStringChannelType.LONG_STRING data_type = ChannelType(data_type) else: native_to = native_type(data_type) values = backend.convert_values( values=self._data['value'], from_dtype=self.data_type, to_dtype=native_to, string_encoding=self.string_encoding, enum_strings=self._data.get('enum_strings'), direction=ConversionDirection.TO_WIRE, ) # for native types, there is no dbr metadata - just data if data_type in native_types: return b'', values dbr_metadata = DBR_TYPES[data_type]() self._read_metadata(dbr_metadata) # Copy alarm fields also. alarm_dbr = await for field, _ in alarm_dbr._fields_: if hasattr(dbr_metadata, field): setattr(dbr_metadata, field, getattr(alarm_dbr, field)) return dbr_metadata, values async def auth_write(self, hostname, username, data, data_type, metadata, *, flags=0, user_address=None): """ Data write hook for clients. First verifies that the specified client may write to the instance prior to proceeding. Parameters ---------- hostname : str The hostname of the client. username : str The username of the client. data : The data to write. data_type : ChannelType The data type associated with the written data. metadata : Metadata instance. flags : int, optional Flags for publishing. user_address : tuple, optional (host, port) tuple of the user. Raises ------ Forbidden: If client is not allowed to write to this instance. """ access = self.check_access(hostname, username) if AccessRights.WRITE not in access: raise Forbidden("Client with hostname {} and username {} cannot " "write.".format(hostname, username)) return (await self.write_from_dbr(data, data_type, metadata, flags=flags)) async def verify_value(self, data): """ Verify a value prior to it being written by CA or Python To reject a value, raise an exception. Otherwise, return the original value or a modified version of it. """ return data async def write_from_dbr(self, data, data_type, metadata, *, flags=0): """ Write data from a provided DBR data type. Does not verify the client has authorization to write. Parameters ---------- data : The data to write. data_type : ChannelType The data type associated with the written data. metadata : Metadata instance. flags : int, optional Flags for publishing. Raises ------ CaprotoValueError: If the request is not valid. """ if data_type == ChannelType.PUT_ACKS: await self.alarm.write(severity_to_acknowledge=metadata.value) return elif data_type == ChannelType.PUT_ACKT: await self.alarm.write(must_acknowledge_transient=metadata.value) return elif data_type in (ChannelType.STSACK_STRING, ChannelType.CLASS_NAME): raise CaprotoValueError('Bad request') timestamp = time.time() native_from = native_type(data_type) value = backend.convert_values( values=data, from_dtype=native_from, to_dtype=self.data_type, string_encoding=self.string_encoding, enum_strings=getattr(self, 'enum_strings', None), direction=ConversionDirection.FROM_WIRE) if metadata is None: metadata_dict = {} else: # Convert `metadata` to bytes-like (or pass it through). md_payload = parse_metadata(metadata, data_type) # Depending on the type of `metadata` above, # `md_payload` could be a DBR struct or plain bytes. # Load it into a struct (zero-copy) to be sure. dbr_metadata = DBR_TYPES[data_type].from_buffer(md_payload) metadata_dict = dbr_metadata_to_dict(dbr_metadata, self.string_encoding) metadata_dict.setdefault('timestamp', timestamp) return (await self.write(value, flags=flags, **metadata_dict)) async def write(self, value, *, flags=0, verify_value=True, update_fields=True, **metadata): """ Write data from native Python types. Parameters ---------- value : The native Python data. flags : SubscriptionType or int, optional The flags for subscribers. verify_value : bool, optional Run the ``verify_value`` hook prior to updating internal state. update_fields : bool, optional Run the ``update_fields`` hook prior to updating internal state. Raises ------ Exception: Any exception raised in the handlers (except SkipWrite) will be propagated to the caller. """ try: value = self.preprocess_value(value) if verify_value: modified_value = await self.verify_value(value) else: modified_value = None if update_fields: await self.update_fields( modified_value if verify_value else value ) except SkipWrite: # Handler raised SkipWrite to avoid the rest of this method. return except GeneratorExit: raise except Exception: # TODO: should allow exception to optionally pass alarm # status/severity through exception instance await self.alarm.write(status=AlarmStatus.WRITE, severity=AlarmSeverity.MAJOR_ALARM, ) raise finally: alarm_md = self._collect_alarm() if modified_value is SkipWrite: # An alternative to raising SkipWrite: avoid the rest of this # method. return # issues of over-riding user passed in data here! metadata.update(alarm_md) metadata.setdefault('timestamp', time.time()) if self._fill_at_next_write: snapshot = copy.deepcopy(self) for state, mode in self._fill_at_next_write: self._snapshots[state][mode] = snapshot self._fill_at_next_write.clear() new = modified_value if modified_value is not None else value # TODO the next 5 lines should be done in one move self._data['value'] = new await self.write_metadata(publish=False, **metadata) # Send a new event to subscribers. await self.publish(flags) # and publish any linked alarms if 'status' in metadata or 'severity' in metadata: await self.alarm.publish(flags, except_for=(self,)) def _is_eligible(self, ss): sync = ss.channel_filter.sync return sync is None or sync.m in self._snapshots[sync.s] async def update_fields(self, value): """This is a hook for subclasses to update field instance data.""" async def publish(self, flags): """ Publish data to appropriate queues matching the SubscriptionSpec. Each SubscriptionSpec specifies a certain data type it is interested in and a mask. Send one update per queue per data_type if and only if any subscriptions specs on a queue have a compatible mask. Parameters ---------- flags : SubscriptionSpec The subscription specification to match. """ # Copying the data into structs with various data types is expensive, # so we only want to do it if it's going to be used, and we only want # to do each conversion once. Clear the cache to start. This cache is # instance state so that self.subscribe can also use it. self._content.clear() for queue, syncs in self._queues.items(): # queue belongs to a Context that is expecting to receive # updates of the form (sub_specs, metadata, values). # data_types is a dict grouping the sub_specs for this queue by # their data_type. for sync, data_types in syncs.items(): for data_type_name, sub_specs in data_types.items(): eligible = tuple(ss for ss in sub_specs if self._is_eligible(ss)) if not eligible: continue if sync is None: channel_data = self else: try: channel_data = self._snapshots[sync.s][sync.m] except KeyError: continue try: metdata, values = self._content[data_type_name] except KeyError: # Do the expensive data type conversion and cache it in # case another queue or a future subscription wants the # same data type. data_type = _channel_type_by_name[data_type_name] metadata, values = await channel_data._read(data_type) channel_data._content[data_type] = metadata, values # We will apply the array filter and deadband on the other side # of the queue, since each eligible SubscriptionSpec may # want a different slice. Sending the whole array through # the queue isn't any more expensive that sending a slice; # this is just a reference. await queue.put(SubscriptionUpdate(eligible, metadata, values, flags, None)) def _read_metadata(self, dbr_metadata): """Fill the provided metadata instance with current metadata.""" to_type = ChannelType(dbr_metadata.DBR_ID) data = self._data if hasattr(dbr_metadata, 'units'): units = data.get('units', '') if isinstance(units, str): units = units.encode(self.string_encoding if self.string_encoding else 'latin-1') dbr_metadata.units = units if hasattr(dbr_metadata, 'precision'): dbr_metadata.precision = data.get('precision', 0) if to_type in time_types: epics_ts = timestamp_to_epics(data['timestamp']) stamp = dbr_metadata.stamp stamp.secondsSinceEpoch, stamp.nanoSeconds = epics_ts convert_attrs = (GraphicControlBase.control_fields + GraphicControlBase.graphic_fields) if any(hasattr(dbr_metadata, attr) for attr in convert_attrs): # convert all metadata types to the target type dt = (self.data_type if self.data_type != ChannelType.ENUM else ChannelType.INT) values = backend.convert_values( values=[data.get(key, 0) for key in convert_attrs], from_dtype=dt, to_dtype=native_type(to_type), string_encoding=self.string_encoding, direction=ConversionDirection.TO_WIRE, auto_byteswap=False) if isinstance(values, backend.array_types): values = values.tolist() for attr, value in zip(convert_attrs, values): if hasattr(dbr_metadata, attr): setattr(dbr_metadata, attr, value) async def write_metadata(self, publish=True, units=None, precision=None, timestamp=None, upper_disp_limit=None, lower_disp_limit=None, upper_alarm_limit=None, upper_warning_limit=None, lower_warning_limit=None, lower_alarm_limit=None, upper_ctrl_limit=None, lower_ctrl_limit=None, status=None, severity=None): """ Write metadata, optionally publishing information to clients. Parameters ---------- publish : bool, optional Publish the metadata update to clients. units : str, optional Updated units. precision : int, optional Updated precision value. timestamp : float, optional Updated timestamp. upper_disp_limit : int or float, optional Updated upper display limit. lower_disp_limit : int or float, optional Updated lower display limit. upper_alarm_limit : int or float, optional Updated upper alarm limit. upper_warning_limit : int or float, optional Updated upper warning limit. lower_warning_limit : int or float, optional Updated lower warning limit. lower_alarm_limit : int or float, optional Updated lower alarm limit. upper_ctrl_limit : int or float, optional Updated upper control limit. lower_ctrl_limit : int or float, optional Updated lower control limit. status : AlarmStatus, optional Updated alarm status. severity : AlarmSeverity, optional Updated alarm severity. """ data = self._data for kw in ('units', 'precision', 'timestamp', 'upper_disp_limit', 'lower_disp_limit', 'upper_alarm_limit', 'upper_warning_limit', 'lower_warning_limit', 'lower_alarm_limit', 'upper_ctrl_limit', 'lower_ctrl_limit'): value = locals()[kw] if value is not None and kw in data: # Unpack scalars. This could be skipped for numpy.ndarray which # does the right thing, but is essential for array.array to # work. try: value, = value except (TypeError, ValueError): pass data[kw] = value if any(alarm_val is not None for alarm_val in (status, severity)): await self.alarm.write(status=status, severity=severity, publish=publish) if publish: await self.publish(SubscriptionType.DBE_PROPERTY) @property def epics_timestamp(self): 'EPICS timestamp as (seconds, nanoseconds) since EPICS epoch' return timestamp_to_epics(self._data['timestamp']) @property def status(self): '''Alarm status''' return (self.alarm.status if self._status is None else self._status) @status.setter def status(self, value): self._status = AlarmStatus(value) @property def severity(self): '''Alarm severity''' return (self.alarm.severity if self._severity is None else self._severity) @severity.setter def severity(self, value): self._severity = AlarmSeverity(value) def _collect_alarm(self): out = {} if self._status is not None and self._status != self.alarm.status: out['status'] = self._status if self._severity is not None and self._status != self.alarm.status: out['severity'] = self._severity self._clear_cached_alarms() return out def _clear_cached_alarms(self): self._status = self._severity = None def __len__(self): try: return len(self.value) except TypeError: return 1 def check_access(self, hostname, username): """ This always returns ``AccessRights.READ|AccessRights.WRITE``. Subclasses can override to implement access logic using hostname, username and returning one of: (``AccessRights.NO_ACCESS``, ``AccessRights.READ``, ``AccessRights.WRITE``, ``AccessRights.READ|AccessRights.WRITE``). Parameters ---------- hostname : string username : string Returns ------- access : :data:`AccessRights.READ|AccessRights.WRITE` """ return AccessRights.READ | AccessRights.WRITE def is_compatible_array(self, value) -> bool: """ Check if the provided value is a compatible array. This requires that ``value`` follow the "array interface", as defined by `numpy <>`_. Parameters ---------- value : any The value to check. Returns ------- bool True if ``value`` is compatible, False otherwise. """ interface = getattr(value, "__array_interface__", None) if interface is None: return False dimensions = len(interface['shape']) return ( # Ensure it's 1 dimensional: dimensions == 1 and # Not strided - which 1D data shouldn't be anyway... interface['strides'] is None and # And a compatible array type, defined in the class body: interface['typestr'] in self._compatible_array_types )
[docs]class ChannelEnum(ChannelData): """ ENUM data which can be sent over a channel. Arrays of ENUM data are not supported. Parameters ---------- value : int or str The string value in the enum, or an integer index of that list. enum_strings : list, tuple, optional Enum strings to be used for the data. timestamp : float, optional Posix timestamp associated with the value. Defaults to ``time.time()``. max_length : int, optional Maximum array length of the data. string_encoding : str, optional Encoding to use for strings, used when serializing and deserializing data. """ data_type = ChannelType.ENUM @staticmethod def _validate_enum_strings(enum_strings): if any(len(es) >= MAX_ENUM_STRING_SIZE for es in enum_strings): over_length = tuple(f'{es}: {len(es)}' for es in enum_strings if len(es) >= MAX_ENUM_STRING_SIZE) msg = (f"The maximum enum string length is {MAX_ENUM_STRING_SIZE} " + f"but the strings {over_length} are too long") raise ValueError(msg) if len(enum_strings) > MAX_ENUM_STATES: raise ValueError(f"The maximum number of enum states is {MAX_ENUM_STATES} " + f"but you passed in {len(enum_strings)}") return tuple(enum_strings) def __init__(self, *, enum_strings=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) if enum_strings is None: enum_strings = tuple() self._data['enum_strings'] = self._validate_enum_strings(enum_strings) enum_strings = _read_only_property('enum_strings') def get_raw_value(self, value) -> int: """The raw integer value index of the provided enum string.""" try: return self.enum_strings.index(value) except ValueError: return None @property def raw_value(self) -> int: """The raw integer value index of the enum string.""" return self.get_raw_value(self.value) def __getnewargs_ex__(self): args, kwargs = super().__getnewargs_ex__() kwargs['enum_strings'] = self.enum_strings return (args, kwargs) async def verify_value(self, data): try: return self.enum_strings[data] except (IndexError, TypeError): ... return data def _read_metadata(self, dbr_metadata): if isinstance(dbr_metadata, (DBR_TYPES[ChannelType.GR_ENUM], DBR_TYPES[ChannelType.CTRL_ENUM])): dbr_metadata.enum_strings = [s.encode(self.string_encoding) for s in self.enum_strings] return super()._read_metadata(dbr_metadata) async def write(self, *args, flags=0, **kwargs): flags |= (SubscriptionType.DBE_LOG | SubscriptionType.DBE_VALUE) await super().write(*args, flags=flags, **kwargs) async def write_from_dbr(self, *args, flags=0, **kwargs): flags |= (SubscriptionType.DBE_LOG | SubscriptionType.DBE_VALUE) await super().write_from_dbr(*args, flags=flags, **kwargs) async def write_metadata(self, enum_strings=None, **kwargs): if enum_strings is not None: self._data['enum_strings'] = self._validate_enum_strings(enum_strings) return await super().write_metadata(**kwargs)
class ChannelNumeric(ChannelData): """ Base class for numeric data types with limits. May be a single value or an array of values. Parameters ---------- value : Data which has to match with this class's ``data_type``. timestamp : float, optional Posix timestamp associated with the value. Defaults to ``time.time()``. max_length : int, optional Maximum array length of the data. string_encoding : str, optional Encoding to use for strings, used when serializing and deserializing data. reported_record_type : str, optional Though this is not a record, the channel access protocol supports querying the record type. This can be set to mimic an actual record or be set to something arbitrary. Defaults to 'caproto'. units : str, optional Engineering units indicator, which can be retrieved over channel access. upper_disp_limit : numeric, optional Upper display limit. lower_disp_limit : numeric, optional Lower display limit. upper_alarm_limit : numeric, optional Upper alarm limit. upper_warning_limit : numeric, optional Upper warning limit. lower_warning_limit : numeric, optional Lower warning limit. lower_alarm_limit : numeric, optional Lower alarm limit. upper_ctrl_limit : numeric, optional Upper control limit. lower_ctrl_limit : numeric, optional Lower control limit. value_atol : numeric, optional Archive tolerance value. log_atol : numeric, optional Log tolerance value. """ def __init__(self, *, value, units='', upper_disp_limit=0, lower_disp_limit=0, upper_alarm_limit=0, upper_warning_limit=0, lower_warning_limit=0, lower_alarm_limit=0, upper_ctrl_limit=0, lower_ctrl_limit=0, value_atol=0.0, log_atol=0.0, **kwargs): super().__init__(value=value, **kwargs) self._data['units'] = units self._data['upper_disp_limit'] = upper_disp_limit self._data['lower_disp_limit'] = lower_disp_limit self._data['upper_alarm_limit'] = upper_alarm_limit self._data['upper_warning_limit'] = upper_warning_limit self._data['lower_warning_limit'] = lower_warning_limit self._data['lower_alarm_limit'] = lower_alarm_limit self._data['upper_ctrl_limit'] = upper_ctrl_limit self._data['lower_ctrl_limit'] = lower_ctrl_limit self.value_atol = value_atol self.log_atol = log_atol units = _read_only_property('units') upper_disp_limit = _read_only_property('upper_disp_limit') lower_disp_limit = _read_only_property('lower_disp_limit') upper_alarm_limit = _read_only_property('upper_alarm_limit') lower_alarm_limit = _read_only_property('lower_alarm_limit') upper_warning_limit = _read_only_property('upper_warning_limit') lower_warning_limit = _read_only_property('lower_warning_limit') upper_ctrl_limit = _read_only_property('upper_ctrl_limit') lower_ctrl_limit = _read_only_property('lower_ctrl_limit') def __getnewargs_ex__(self): args, kwargs = super().__getnewargs_ex__() kwargs.update( units=self.units, upper_disp_limit=self.upper_disp_limit, lower_disp_limit=self.lower_disp_limit, upper_alarm_limit=self.upper_alarm_limit, lower_alarm_limit=self.lower_alarm_limit, upper_warning_limit=self.upper_warning_limit, lower_warning_limit=self.lower_warning_limit, upper_ctrl_limit=self.upper_ctrl_limit, lower_ctrl_limit=self.lower_ctrl_limit, ) return (args, kwargs) async def verify_value(self, data): if not isinstance(data, Iterable): val = data elif len(data) == 1: val, = data else: # data is an array -- limits do not apply. return data if self.lower_ctrl_limit != self.upper_ctrl_limit: if not self.lower_ctrl_limit <= val <= self.upper_ctrl_limit: raise CannotExceedLimits( f"Cannot write data {val}. Limits are set to " f"{self.lower_ctrl_limit} and {self.upper_ctrl_limit}." ) def limit_checker( value, lo_attr, hi_attr, lo_status, hi_status, lo_severity_attr, hi_severity_attr, dflt_lo_severity, dflt_hi_severity): def limit_getter(limit_attr, severity_attr, dflt_severity): sev = dflt_severity limit = getattr(self, limit_attr) sev_prop = getattr( getattr(self, 'field_inst', None), severity_attr, None) if sev_prop is not None: # TODO sort out where ints are getting through... if isinstance(sev_prop.value, str): sev = sev_prop.enum_strings.index(sev_prop.value) return limit, AlarmSeverity(sev) lo_limit, lo_severity = limit_getter( lo_attr, lo_severity_attr, dflt_lo_severity) hi_limit, hi_severity = limit_getter( hi_attr, hi_severity_attr, dflt_hi_severity) if lo_limit != hi_limit: if value <= lo_limit: return lo_status, lo_severity elif hi_limit <= value: return hi_status, hi_severity return AlarmStatus.NO_ALARM, AlarmSeverity.NO_ALARM # this is HIHI and LOLO limits asts, asver = limit_checker(val, 'lower_alarm_limit', 'upper_alarm_limit', AlarmStatus.LOLO, AlarmStatus.HIHI, 'lolo_severity', 'hihi_severity', AlarmSeverity.MAJOR_ALARM, AlarmSeverity.MAJOR_ALARM) # if HIHI and LOLO did not trigger as alarm, see if HIGH and LOW do if asts is AlarmStatus.NO_ALARM: # this is HIGH and LOW limits asts, asver = limit_checker(val, 'lower_warning_limit', 'upper_warning_limit', AlarmStatus.LOW, AlarmStatus.HIGH, 'low_severity', 'high_severity', AlarmSeverity.MINOR_ALARM, AlarmSeverity.MINOR_ALARM) self.status = asts self.severity = asver return data
[docs]class ChannelShort(ChannelNumeric): """ 16-bit SHORT integer data and metadata which can be sent over a channel. May be a single value or an array of values. Parameters ---------- value : int or list of int Default starting value. timestamp : float, optional Posix timestamp associated with the value. Defaults to ``time.time()``. max_length : int, optional Maximum array length of the data. string_encoding : str, optional Encoding to use for strings, used when serializing and deserializing data. reported_record_type : str, optional Though this is not a record, the channel access protocol supports querying the record type. This can be set to mimic an actual record or be set to something arbitrary. Defaults to 'caproto'. units : str, optional Engineering units indicator, which can be retrieved over channel access. upper_disp_limit : int, optional Upper display limit. lower_disp_limit : int, optional Lower display limit. upper_alarm_limit : int, optional Upper alarm limit. upper_warning_limit : int, optional Upper warning limit. lower_warning_limit : int, optional Lower warning limit. lower_alarm_limit : int, optional Lower alarm limit. upper_ctrl_limit : int, optional Upper control limit. lower_ctrl_limit : int, optional Lower control limit. value_atol : int, optional Archive tolerance value. log_atol : int, optional Log tolerance value. """ data_type = ChannelType.INT
[docs]class ChannelInteger(ChannelNumeric): """ 32-bit LONG integer data and metadata which can be sent over a channel. May be a single value or an array of values. Parameters ---------- value : int or list of int Default starting value. timestamp : float, optional Posix timestamp associated with the value. Defaults to ``time.time()``. max_length : int, optional Maximum array length of the data. string_encoding : str, optional Encoding to use for strings, used when serializing and deserializing data. reported_record_type : str, optional Though this is not a record, the channel access protocol supports querying the record type. This can be set to mimic an actual record or be set to something arbitrary. Defaults to 'caproto'. units : str, optional Engineering units indicator, which can be retrieved over channel access. upper_disp_limit : int, optional Upper display limit. lower_disp_limit : int, optional Lower display limit. upper_alarm_limit : int, optional Upper alarm limit. upper_warning_limit : int, optional Upper warning limit. lower_warning_limit : int, optional Lower warning limit. lower_alarm_limit : int, optional Lower alarm limit. upper_ctrl_limit : int, optional Upper control limit. lower_ctrl_limit : int, optional Lower control limit. value_atol : int, optional Archive tolerance value. log_atol : int, optional Log tolerance value. """ data_type = ChannelType.LONG
[docs]class ChannelFloat(ChannelNumeric): """ 32-bit floating point data and metadata which can be sent over a channel. May be a single value or an array of values. Parameters ---------- value : float or list of float Initial value for the data. timestamp : float, optional Posix timestamp associated with the value. Defaults to ``time.time()``. max_length : int, optional Maximum array length of the data. string_encoding : str, optional Encoding to use for strings, used when serializing and deserializing data. reported_record_type : str, optional Though this is not a record, the channel access protocol supports querying the record type. This can be set to mimic an actual record or be set to something arbitrary. Defaults to 'caproto'. units : str, optional Engineering units indicator, which can be retrieved over channel access. upper_disp_limit : float, optional Upper display limit. lower_disp_limit : float, optional Lower display limit. upper_alarm_limit : float, optional Upper alarm limit. upper_warning_limit : float, optional Upper warning limit. lower_warning_limit : float, optional Lower warning limit. lower_alarm_limit : float, optional Lower alarm limit. upper_ctrl_limit : float, optional Upper control limit. lower_ctrl_limit : float, optional Lower control limit. value_atol : float, optional Archive tolerance value. log_atol : float, optional Log tolerance value. """ data_type = ChannelType.FLOAT def __init__(self, *, precision=0, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self._data['precision'] = precision precision = _read_only_property('precision') def __getnewargs_ex__(self): args, kwargs = super().__getnewargs_ex__() kwargs['precision'] = self.precision return (args, kwargs)
[docs]class ChannelDouble(ChannelNumeric): """ 64-bit floating point data and metadata which can be sent over a channel. May be a single value or an array of values. Parameters ---------- value : float or list of float Initial value for the data. timestamp : float, optional Posix timestamp associated with the value. Defaults to ``time.time()``. max_length : int, optional Maximum array length of the data. string_encoding : str, optional Encoding to use for strings, used when serializing and deserializing data. reported_record_type : str, optional Though this is not a record, the channel access protocol supports querying the record type. This can be set to mimic an actual record or be set to something arbitrary. Defaults to 'caproto'. units : str, optional Engineering units indicator, which can be retrieved over channel access. upper_disp_limit : float, optional Upper display limit. lower_disp_limit : float, optional Lower display limit. upper_alarm_limit : float, optional Upper alarm limit. upper_warning_limit : float, optional Upper warning limit. lower_warning_limit : float, optional Lower warning limit. lower_alarm_limit : float, optional Lower alarm limit. upper_ctrl_limit : float, optional Upper control limit. lower_ctrl_limit : float, optional Lower control limit. value_atol : float, optional Archive tolerance value. log_atol : float, optional Log tolerance value. """ data_type = ChannelType.DOUBLE def __init__(self, *, precision=0, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self._data['precision'] = precision precision = _read_only_property('precision') def __getnewargs_ex__(self): args, kwargs = super().__getnewargs_ex__() kwargs['precision'] = self.precision return (args, kwargs)
[docs]class ChannelByte(ChannelNumeric): """ 8-bit unencoded CHAR data plus metadata which can be sent over a channel. May be a single CHAR or an array of CHAR. Parameters ---------- value : int or bytes Initial starting data. timestamp : float, optional Posix timestamp associated with the value. Defaults to ``time.time()``. max_length : int, optional Maximum array length of the data. string_encoding : str, optional Encoding to use for strings, used when serializing and deserializing data. reported_record_type : str, optional Though this is not a record, the channel access protocol supports querying the record type. This can be set to mimic an actual record or be set to something arbitrary. Defaults to 'caproto'. units : str, optional Engineering units indicator, which can be retrieved over channel access. upper_disp_limit : int, optional Upper display limit. lower_disp_limit : int, optional Lower display limit. upper_alarm_limit : int, optional Upper alarm limit. upper_warning_limit : int, optional Upper warning limit. lower_warning_limit : int, optional Lower warning limit. lower_alarm_limit : int, optional Lower alarm limit. upper_ctrl_limit : int, optional Upper control limit. lower_ctrl_limit : int, optional Lower control limit. value_atol : int, optional Archive tolerance value. log_atol : int, optional Log tolerance value. """ # 'Limits' on chars do not make much sense and are rarely used. data_type = ChannelType.CHAR _compatible_array_types = {'|u1', '|i1', '|b1'} def __init__(self, *, string_encoding=None, strip_null_terminator=True, **kwargs): if string_encoding is not None: raise CaprotoValueError('ChannelByte cannot have a string encoding') self.strip_null_terminator = strip_null_terminator super().__init__(string_encoding=None, **kwargs) def preprocess_value(self, value): value = super().preprocess_value(value) if self.is_compatible_array(value): if not is_array_read_only(value): value = copy.copy(value) if self.max_length == 1: return value[0] return value if isinstance(value, (list, tuple) + backend.array_types): if not len(value): return b'' elif len(value) == 1: value = value[0] else: value = b''.join(map(bytes, ([v] for v in value))) if self.max_length == 1: try: len(value) except TypeError: # Allow a scalar byte value to be passed in value = bytes([value]) if isinstance(value, str): raise CaprotoValueError('ChannelByte does not accept decoded strings') if self.strip_null_terminator: if not isinstance(value, bytes): value = value.tobytes() value = value.rstrip(b'\x00') return value
[docs]class ChannelChar(ChannelData): """ 8-bit encoded CHAR data plus metadata which can be sent over a channel. Allows for simple access over CA to the first 40 characters as a DBR_STRING when ``report_as_string`` is set. Parameters ---------- value : str Initial starting data. string_encoding : str, optional The string encoding to use, defaults to 'latin-1'. timestamp : float, optional Posix timestamp associated with the value. Defaults to ``time.time()``. max_length : int, optional Maximum array length of the data. string_encoding : str, optional Encoding to use for strings, used when serializing and deserializing data. reported_record_type : str, optional Though this is not a record, the channel access protocol supports querying the record type. This can be set to mimic an actual record or be set to something arbitrary. Defaults to 'caproto'. units : str, optional Engineering units indicator, which can be retrieved over channel access. """ data_type = ChannelType.CHAR _compatible_array_types = {'|u1', '|i1', '|b1'} def __init__(self, *, alarm=None, value=None, timestamp=None, max_length=None, string_encoding='latin-1', reported_record_type='caproto', report_as_string=False): super().__init__(alarm=alarm, value=value, timestamp=timestamp, max_length=max_length, string_encoding=string_encoding, reported_record_type=reported_record_type) if report_as_string: self.data_type = ChannelType.STRING @property def long_string_max_length(self): 'The maximum number of elements (length) of the current value' return super().max_length @property def max_length(self): 'The number of elements (length) of the current value' if self.data_type == ChannelType.STRING: return 1 return super().max_length def preprocess_value(self, value): value = super().preprocess_value(value) if self.is_compatible_array(value): value = value.tobytes() elif isinstance(value, (list, tuple) + backend.array_types): if not len(value): value = b'' elif len(value) == 1: value = value[0] else: value = b''.join(map(bytes, ([v] for v in value))) if self.max_length == 1: try: len(value) except TypeError: # Allow a scalar byte value to be passed in value = str(bytes([value]), self.string_encoding) if isinstance(value, bytes): value = value.decode(self.string_encoding) if not isinstance(value, str): raise CaprotoValueError('Invalid string') return value async def write(self, *args, flags=0, **kwargs): flags |= (SubscriptionType.DBE_LOG | SubscriptionType.DBE_VALUE) await super().write(*args, flags=flags, **kwargs) async def write_from_dbr(self, *args, flags=0, **kwargs): flags |= (SubscriptionType.DBE_LOG | SubscriptionType.DBE_VALUE) await super().write_from_dbr(*args, flags=flags, **kwargs)
[docs]class ChannelString(ChannelData): """ 8-bit encoded string data plus metadata which can be sent over a channel. Allows for simple access over CA to the first 40 characters as a DBR_STRING when ``report_as_string`` is set. Parameters ---------- value : str Initial starting data. string_encoding : str, optional The string encoding to use, defaults to 'latin-1'. long_string_max_length : str, optional When requested as a long string (DBR_CHAR over Channel Access), this is the reported maximum length. timestamp : float, optional Posix timestamp associated with the value. Defaults to ``time.time()``. max_length : int, optional Maximum array length of the data. string_encoding : str, optional Encoding to use for strings, used when serializing and deserializing data. reported_record_type : str, optional Though this is not a record, the channel access protocol supports querying the record type. This can be set to mimic an actual record or be set to something arbitrary. Defaults to 'caproto'. """ data_type = ChannelType.STRING def __init__(self, *, alarm=None, value=None, timestamp=None, max_length=None, string_encoding='latin-1', reported_record_type='caproto', long_string_max_length=81): super().__init__(alarm=alarm, value=value, timestamp=timestamp, max_length=max_length, string_encoding=string_encoding, reported_record_type=reported_record_type) self._long_string_max_length = long_string_max_length @property def long_string_max_length(self): 'The maximum number of elements (length) of the current value' return self._long_string_max_length async def write(self, value, *, flags=0, **metadata): flags |= (SubscriptionType.DBE_LOG | SubscriptionType.DBE_VALUE) await super().write(value, flags=flags, **metadata) async def write_from_dbr(self, *args, flags=0, **kwargs): flags |= (SubscriptionType.DBE_LOG | SubscriptionType.DBE_VALUE) await super().write_from_dbr(*args, flags=flags, **kwargs)