Source code for caproto.sync.client

# This module contains a synchronous implementation of a Channel Access client
# as three top-level functions: read, write, subscribe. They are comparatively
# simple and naive, with no caching or concurrency, and therefore less
# performant but more robust.
import getpass
import inspect
import logging
import random
import selectors
import socket
import threading  # just to make callback processing thread-safe
import time
import weakref

import caproto as ca

from .._dbr import ChannelType, SubscriptionType, field_types, native_type
from .._utils import (CaprotoError, CaprotoTimeoutError, ErrorResponseReceived,
                      adapt_old_callback_signature, get_environment_variables,
from ..client import common
from .repeater import spawn_repeater

__all__ = ('read', 'write', 'subscribe', 'block', 'interrupt',
logger = logging.getLogger('caproto.ctx')

# Make a dict to hold our tcp sockets.
sockets = {}
global_circuits = {}

_permission_to_block = []  # mutable state shared by block and interrupt

# Convenience functions that do both transport and caproto validation/ingest.
def send(circuit, command, pv_name=None):
    if pv_name is not None:
        tags = {'pv': pv_name}
        tags = None
    buffers_to_send = circuit.send(command, extra=tags)

def recv(circuit):
    bytes_received = sockets[circuit].recv(4096)
    commands, _ = circuit.recv(bytes_received)
    for c in commands:
    return commands

def search(pv_name, udp_sock, timeout, *, max_retries=2):
    # Set Broadcaster log level to match our logger.
    b = ca.Broadcaster(our_role=ca.CLIENT)
    b.client_address = safe_getsockname(udp_sock)

    # Send registration request to the repeater
    logger.debug('Registering with the Channel Access repeater.')
    bytes_to_send = b.send(ca.RepeaterRegisterRequest())

    env = get_environment_variables()
    repeater_port = env['EPICS_CA_REPEATER_PORT']

    client_address_list = ca.get_client_address_list()
    local_address = ca.get_local_address()

        udp_sock.sendto(bytes_to_send, (local_address, repeater_port))
    except OSError as exc:
        raise ca.CaprotoNetworkError(
            f"Failed to send to {local_address}:{repeater_port}") from exc

    logger.debug("Searching for %r....", pv_name)
    search_cid = random.randint(0, 65535)
    commands = (
        ca.VersionRequest(0, ca.DEFAULT_PROTOCOL_VERSION),
        ca.SearchRequest(pv_name, search_cid, ca.DEFAULT_PROTOCOL_VERSION),
    bytes_to_send = b.send(*commands)
    tags = {'role': 'CLIENT',
            'our_address': b.client_address,
            'direction': '--->>>'}

    def send_search():
        for dest in client_address_list:
            tags['their_address'] = dest
                '%d commands %dB',
                len(commands), len(bytes_to_send), extra=tags)
                udp_sock.sendto(bytes_to_send, dest)
            except OSError as exc:
                host, port = dest
                raise ca.CaprotoNetworkError(f"Failed to send to {host}:{port}") from exc

    def check_timeout():
        nonlocal retry_at

        if time.monotonic() >= retry_at:
            retry_at = time.monotonic() + retry_timeout

        if time.monotonic() - t > timeout:
            raise CaprotoTimeoutError(f"Timed out while awaiting a response "
                                      f"from the search for {pv_name!r}. Search "
                                      f"requests were sent to this address list: "

    # Initial search attempt

    # Await a search response, and keep track of registration status
    retry_timeout = timeout / max((max_retries, 1))
    t = time.monotonic()
    retry_at = t + retry_timeout

        orig_timeout = udp_sock.gettimeout()
        while True:
                bytes_received, address = udp_sock.recvfrom(ca.MAX_UDP_RECV)
            except ConnectionResetError as ex:
                # Win32: "On a UDP-datagram socket this error indicates a
                # previous send operation resulted in an ICMP Port Unreachable
                # message."
                # Despite the above, this does not *appear* to be fatal;
                # sometimes the second try will work.
                logger.debug('Connection reset, retrying: %s', ex)
            except socket.timeout:


            commands = b.recv(bytes_received, address)
            for command in commands:
                if isinstance(command, ca.SearchResponse) and command.cid == search_cid:
                    address = ca.extract_address(command)
                    logger.debug('Found %r at %s:%d', pv_name, *address)
                    return address
                # None of the commands we have seen are a reply to our request.
                # Receive more data.

def make_channel(pv_name, udp_sock, priority, timeout):
    log = logging.LoggerAdapter(logging.getLogger(''), {'pv': pv_name})
    address = search(pv_name, udp_sock, timeout)
        circuit = global_circuits[(address, priority)]
    except KeyError:

        circuit = global_circuits[(address, priority)] = ca.VirtualCircuit(

    chan = ca.ClientChannel(pv_name, circuit)
    new = False
    if chan.circuit not in sockets:
        new = True
        sockets[chan.circuit] = socket.create_connection(chan.circuit.address,
        circuit.our_address = sockets[chan.circuit].getsockname()
        if new:
            # Initialize our new TCP-based CA connection with a VersionRequest.
            send(chan.circuit, ca.VersionRequest(
            send(chan.circuit, chan.host_name(socket.gethostname()))
            send(chan.circuit, chan.client_name(getpass.getuser()))
        send(chan.circuit, chan.create(), pv_name)
        t = time.monotonic()
        while True:
                commands = recv(chan.circuit)
                if time.monotonic() - t > timeout:
                    raise socket.timeout
            except socket.timeout:
                raise CaprotoTimeoutError("Timeout while awaiting channel "
            tags = {'direction': '<<<---',
                    'our_address': chan.circuit.our_address,
                    'their_address': chan.circuit.address}
            for command in commands:
                if isinstance(command, ca.Message):
                    tags['bytesize'] = len(command)
                    logger.debug("%r", command, extra=tags)
                elif command is ca.DISCONNECTED:
                    raise CaprotoError('Disconnected during initialization')
            if chan.states[ca.CLIENT] is ca.CONNECTED:
      "Channel connected.")

    except BaseException:
        del sockets[chan.circuit]
        del global_circuits[(chan.circuit.address, chan.circuit.priority)]
    return chan

def _read(chan, timeout, data_type, data_count, notify, force_int_enums):
    logger = chan.log
    logger.debug("Detected native data_type %r.", chan.native_data_type)
    ntype = native_type(chan.native_data_type)  # abundance of caution
    if ((ntype is ChannelType.ENUM) and
            (data_type is None) and (not force_int_enums)):
        logger.debug("Changing requested data_type to STRING.")
        data_type = ChannelType.STRING
    req =, data_count=data_count, notify=notify)
    send(chan.circuit, req,
    t = time.monotonic()
    while True:
            commands = recv(chan.circuit)
        except socket.timeout:
            commands = []

        if time.monotonic() - t > timeout:
            raise CaprotoTimeoutError("Timeout while awaiting reading.")

        tags = {'direction': '<<<---',
                'our_address': chan.circuit.our_address,
                'their_address': chan.circuit.address}
        for command in commands:
            if isinstance(command, ca.Message):
                tags['bytesize'] = len(command)
                logger.debug("%r", command, extra=tags)
            if (isinstance(command, (ca.ReadResponse, ca.ReadNotifyResponse)) and
                    command.ioid == req.ioid):
                return command
            elif isinstance(command, ca.ErrorResponse):
                raise ErrorResponseReceived(command)
            elif command is ca.DISCONNECTED:
                raise CaprotoError('Disconnected while waiting for '
                                   'read response')

[docs]def read(pv_name, *, data_type=None, data_count=None, timeout=common.GLOBAL_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, priority=0, notify=True, force_int_enums=False, repeater=True): """ Read a Channel. Parameters ---------- pv_name : str The PV name to read from data_type : {'native', 'status', 'time', 'graphic', 'control'} or ChannelType or int ID, optional Request specific data type or a class of data types, matched to the channel's native data type. Default is Channel's native data type. data_count : integer, optional Requested number of values. Default is the channel's native data count. timeout : float, optional Default is 1 second. priority : 0, optional Virtual Circuit priority. Default is 0, lowest. Highest is 99. notify : boolean, optional Send a ReadNotifyRequest instead of a ReadRequest. True by default. force_int_enums : boolean, optional Retrieve enums as integers. (Default is strings.) repeater : boolean, optional Spawn a Channel Access Repeater process if the port is available. True default, as the Channel Access spec stipulates that well-behaved clients should do this. Returns ------- response : ReadResponse or ReadNotifyResponse Examples -------- Get the value of a Channel named 'simple:A'. >>> read('simple:A').data array([1], dtype=int32) Request a richer Channel Access data type that includes the timestamp, and access the timestamp. >>> read('cat', data_type='time').metadata.timestmap 1570622339.042392 A convenience method is provided for access the timestamp as a Python datetime object. >>> read('cat' data_type='time').metadata.stamp.as_datetime() datetime.datetime(2019, 10, 9, 11, 58, 59, 42392) The requested data type may also been given as a specific Channel Access type >>> from caproto import ChannelType >>> read('cat', data_type=ChannelType.CTRL_FLOAT).metadata DBR_CTRL_FLOAT( status=<AlarmStatus.NO_ALARM: 0>, severity=<AlarmSeverity.NO_ALARM: 0>, upper_disp_limit=0.0, lower_disp_limit=0.0, upper_alarm_limit=0.0, upper_warning_limit=0.0, lower_warning_limit=0.0, lower_alarm_limit=0.0, upper_ctrl_limit=0.0, lower_ctrl_limit=0.0, precision=0, units=b'') or the corresponding integer identifer >>> read('cat', data_type=30).metadata DBR_CTRL_FLOAT( status=<AlarmStatus.NO_ALARM: 0>, severity=<AlarmSeverity.NO_ALARM: 0>, upper_disp_limit=0.0, lower_disp_limit=0.0, upper_alarm_limit=0.0, upper_warning_limit=0.0, lower_warning_limit=0.0, lower_alarm_limit=0.0, upper_ctrl_limit=0.0, lower_ctrl_limit=0.0, precision=0, units=b'') """ if repeater: # As per the EPICS spec, a well-behaved client should start a # caproto-repeater that will continue running after it exits. spawn_repeater() udp_sock = ca.bcast_socket() # Must bind or getsocketname() will raise on Windows. # See udp_sock.bind(('', 0)) try: udp_sock.settimeout(timeout) chan = make_channel(pv_name, udp_sock, priority, timeout) finally: udp_sock.close() try: return _read(chan, timeout, data_type=data_type, data_count=data_count, notify=notify, force_int_enums=force_int_enums) finally: try: if chan.states[ca.CLIENT] is ca.CONNECTED: send(chan.circuit, chan.clear(), finally: sockets[chan.circuit].close() del sockets[chan.circuit] del global_circuits[(chan.circuit.address, chan.circuit.priority)]
[docs]def subscribe(pv_name, priority=0, data_type=None, data_count=None, low=0.0, high=0.0, to=0.0, mask=None): """ Define a subscription. Parameters ---------- pv_name : string The PV name to subscribe to priority : integer, optional Used by the server to triage subscription responses when under high load. 0 is lowest; 99 is highest. data_type : {'native', 'status', 'time', 'graphic', 'control'} or ChannelType or int ID, optional Request specific data type or a class of data types, matched to the channel's native data type. Default is Channel's native data type. data_count : integer, optional Requested number of values. Default is the channel's native data count, which can be checked in the Channel's attribute :attr:`native_data_count`. low, high, to : float, optional deprecated by Channel Access, not yet implemented by caproto mask : SubscriptionType, optional Subscribe to selective updates. Examples -------- Define a subscription on the ``random_walk:x`` PV. >>> sub = subscribe('random_walk:x') Add one or more user-defined callbacks to process responses. >>> def f(sub, response): ... print( ... >>> sub.add_callback(f) Activate the subscription and process incoming responses. >>> sub.block() This is a blocking operation in the sync client. (To do this on a background thread, use the threading client.) Interrupt using Ctrl+C or by calling :meth:`sub.interrupt()` from another thread. The subscription may be reactivated by calling ``sub.block()`` again. To process multiple subscriptions at once, use the *function* :func:`block`, which takes one or more Subscriptions as arguments. >>> block(sub1, sub2) There is also an :func:`interrupt` function, which is merely an alias to the method. """ return Subscription(pv_name, priority, data_type, data_count, low, high, to, mask)
[docs]def interrupt(): """ Signal to :func:`block` to stop blocking. Idempotent. This obviously cannot be called interactively while blocked; it is intended to be called from another thread. """ _permission_to_block.clear()
[docs]def block(*subscriptions, duration=None, timeout=common.GLOBAL_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, force_int_enums=False, repeater=True): """ Activate one or more subscriptions and process incoming responses. Use Ctrl+C (SIGINT) to escape, or from another thread, call :func:`interrupt()`. Parameters ---------- *subscriptions : Subscriptions The list of subscriptions. duration : float, optional How many seconds to run for. Run forever (None) by default. timeout : float, optional Default is 1 second. This is not the same as `for`; this is the timeout for failure in the event of no connection. force_int_enums : boolean, optional Retrieve enums as integers. (Default is strings.) repeater : boolean, optional Spawn a Channel Access Repeater process if the port is available. True default, as the Channel Access spec stipulates that well-behaved clients should do this. Examples -------- Activate subscription(s) and block while they process updates. >>> sub1 = subscribe('cat') >>> sub1 = subscribe('dog') >>> block(sub1, sub2) """ _permission_to_block.append(object()) if duration is not None: deadline = time.time() + duration else: deadline = None if repeater: # As per the EPICS spec, a well-behaved client should start a # caproto-repeater that will continue running after it exits. spawn_repeater() loggers = {} for sub in subscriptions: loggers[sub.pv_name] = logging.LoggerAdapter(logging.getLogger(''), {'pv': sub.pv_name}) udp_sock = ca.bcast_socket() # Must bind or getsocketname() will raise on Windows. # See udp_sock.bind(('', 0)) try: udp_sock.settimeout(timeout) channels = {} for sub in subscriptions: pv_name = sub.pv_name chan = make_channel(pv_name, udp_sock, sub.priority, timeout) channels[sub] = chan finally: udp_sock.close() try: # Subscribe to all the channels. sub_ids = {} for sub, chan in channels.items(): loggers[].debug("Detected native data_type %r.", chan.native_data_type) # abundance of caution ntype = field_types['native'][chan.native_data_type] if ((ntype is ChannelType.ENUM) and (not force_int_enums)): ntype = ChannelType.STRING time_type = field_types['time'][ntype] # Adjust the timeout during monitoring. sockets[chan.circuit].settimeout(None) loggers[].debug("Subscribing with data_type %r.", time_type) req = chan.subscribe( data_type=time_type, data_count=sub.data_count, mask=sub.mask) send(chan.circuit, req, sub_ids[(chan.circuit, req.subscriptionid)] = sub logger.debug('Subscribed. Building socket selector.') try: circuits = set(chan.circuit for chan in channels.values()) selector = selectors.DefaultSelector() sock_to_circuit = {} for circuit in circuits: sock = sockets[circuit] sock_to_circuit[sock] = circuit selector.register(sock, selectors.EVENT_READ) if duration is None: logger.debug('Continuing until SIGINT is received....') while True: events = if deadline is not None and time.time() > deadline: logger.debug('Deadline reached.') return if not _permission_to_block: logger.debug("Interrupted via " "caproto.sync.client.interrupt().") break for selector_key, _ in events: circuit = sock_to_circuit[selector_key.fileobj] commands = recv(circuit) for response in commands: if isinstance(response, ca.ErrorResponse): raise ErrorResponseReceived(response) if response is ca.DISCONNECTED: # TODO Re-connect. raise CaprotoError("Disconnected") sub = sub_ids.get((circuit, response.subscriptionid)) if sub: sub.process(response) except KeyboardInterrupt: logger.debug('Received SIGINT. Closing.') pass finally: _permission_to_block.clear() try: for chan in channels.values(): if chan.states[ca.CLIENT] is ca.CONNECTED: send(chan.circuit, chan.clear(), finally: # Reinstate the timeout for channel cleanup. for chan in channels.values(): sockets[chan.circuit].settimeout(timeout) sockets[chan.circuit].close() del sockets[chan.circuit] del global_circuits[(chan.circuit.address, chan.circuit.priority)]
def _write(chan, data, metadata, timeout, data_type, notify): logger.debug("Detected native data_type %r.", chan.native_data_type) # abundance of caution ntype = field_types['native'][chan.native_data_type] if (data_type is None) and (ntype is ChannelType.ENUM): # Change data_type to STRING if data contains string-like data, or # iterable of string-like data stringy_data = False if isinstance(data, (str, bytes)): stringy_data = True if hasattr(data, '__getitem__') \ and len(data) > 0 \ and isinstance(data[0], (str, bytes)): stringy_data = True if stringy_data: logger.debug("Will write to ENUM as data_type STRING.") data_type = ChannelType.STRING logger.debug("Writing.") req = chan.write(data=data, notify=notify, data_type=data_type, metadata=metadata) send(chan.circuit, req, t = time.monotonic() if notify: while True: try: commands = recv(chan.circuit) except socket.timeout: commands = [] if time.monotonic() - t > timeout: raise CaprotoTimeoutError("Timeout while awaiting write reply.") tags = {'direction': '<<<---', 'our_address': chan.circuit.our_address, 'their_address': chan.circuit.address} for command in commands: if isinstance(command, ca.Message): tags['bytesize'] = len(command) logger.debug("%r", command, extra=tags) if (isinstance(command, ca.WriteNotifyResponse) and command.ioid == req.ioid): response = command break elif isinstance(command, ca.ErrorResponse): raise ErrorResponseReceived(command) elif command is ca.DISCONNECTED: raise CaprotoError('Disconnected while waiting for ' 'write response') else: continue break return response else: return None
[docs]def write(pv_name, data, *, notify=False, data_type=None, metadata=None, timeout=common.GLOBAL_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, priority=0, repeater=True): """ Write to a Channel. Parameters ---------- pv_name : str The PV name to write to data : str, bytes, int, or float or any Iterable of these Value(s) to write. notify : boolean, optional Request notification of completion and wait for it. False by default. data_type : {'native', 'status', 'time', 'graphic', 'control'} or ChannelType or int ID, optional Write as specific data type. Default is inferred from input. metadata : ``ctypes.BigEndianStructure`` or tuple Status and control metadata for the values timeout : float, optional Default is 1 second. priority : 0, optional Virtual Circuit priority. Default is 0, lowest. Highest is 99. repeater : boolean, optional Spawn a Channel Access Repeater process if the port is available. True default, as the Channel Access spec stipulates that well-behaved clients should do this. Returns ------- initial, final : tuple of ReadNotifyResponse objects Examples -------- Write the value 5 to a Channel named 'simple:A'. >>> write('simple:A', 5) # returns None Request notification of completion ("put completion") and wait for it. >>> write('cat', 5, notify=True) # blocks until complete, then returns: WriteNotifyResponse( data_type=<ChannelType.LONG: 5>, data_count=1, status=CAStatusCode( name='ECA_NORMAL', code=0, code_with_severity=1, severity=<CASeverity.SUCCESS: 1>, success=1, defunct=False, description='Normal successful completion'), ioid=0) """ if repeater: # As per the EPICS spec, a well-behaved client should start a # caproto-repeater that will continue running after it exits. spawn_repeater() udp_sock = ca.bcast_socket() # Must bind or getsocketname() will raise on Windows. # See udp_sock.bind(('', 0)) try: udp_sock.settimeout(timeout) chan = make_channel(pv_name, udp_sock, priority, timeout) finally: udp_sock.close() try: return _write(chan, data, metadata, timeout, data_type, notify) finally: try: if chan.states[ca.CLIENT] is ca.CONNECTED: send(chan.circuit, chan.clear(), finally: sockets[chan.circuit].close() del sockets[chan.circuit] del global_circuits[(chan.circuit.address, chan.circuit.priority)]
[docs]def read_write_read(pv_name, data, *, notify=False, read_data_type=None, write_data_type=None, metadata=None, timeout=common.GLOBAL_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, priority=0, force_int_enums=False, repeater=True): """ Write to a Channel, but sandwich the write between to reads. This is what the command-line utilities ``caproto-put`` and ``caput`` do. Notice that if you want the second reading to reflect the written value, you should pass the parameter ``notify=True``. (This is also true of ``caproto-put``/``caput``, which needs the ``-c`` argument to behave the way you might expect it to behave.) This is provided as a separate function in order to support ``caproto-put`` efficiently. Making separate calls to :func:`read` and :func:`write` would re-create a connection redundantly. Parameters ---------- pv_name : str The PV name to write/read/write data : str, bytes, int, or float or any Iterable of these Value to write. notify : boolean, optional Request notification of completion and wait for it. False by default. read_data_type : {'native', 'status', 'time', 'graphic', 'control'} or ChannelType or int ID, optional Request specific data type. write_data_type : {'native', 'status', 'time', 'graphic', 'control'} or ChannelType or int ID, optional Write as specific data type. Default is inferred from input. metadata : ``ctypes.BigEndianStructure`` or tuple Status and control metadata for the values timeout : float, optional Default is 1 second. priority : 0, optional Virtual Circuit priority. Default is 0, lowest. Highest is 99. force_int_enums : boolean, optional Retrieve enums as integers. (Default is strings.) repeater : boolean, optional Spawn a Channel Access Repeater process if the port is available. True default, as the Channel Access spec stipulates that well-behaved clients should do this. Returns ------- initial, write_response, final : tuple of response The middle response comes from the write, and it will be ``None`` unless ``notify=True``. Examples -------- Write the value 5 to a Channel named 'simple:A'. >>> read_write_read('cat', 5) # returns initial, None, final Request notification of completion ("put completion") and wait for it. >>> read_write_read('cat', 5, notify=True) # initial, WriteNotifyResponse, final """ if repeater: # As per the EPICS spec, a well-behaved client should start a # caproto-repeater that will continue running after it exits. spawn_repeater() udp_sock = ca.bcast_socket() # Must bind or getsocketname() will raise on Windows. # See udp_sock.bind(('', 0)) try: udp_sock.settimeout(timeout) chan = make_channel(pv_name, udp_sock, priority, timeout) finally: udp_sock.close() try: initial = _read(chan, timeout, read_data_type, None, notify=True, force_int_enums=force_int_enums) res = _write(chan, data, metadata, timeout, write_data_type, notify) final = _read(chan, timeout, read_data_type, None, notify=True, force_int_enums=force_int_enums) finally: try: if chan.states[ca.CLIENT] is ca.CONNECTED: send(chan.circuit, chan.clear(), finally: sockets[chan.circuit].close() del sockets[chan.circuit] del global_circuits[(chan.circuit.address, chan.circuit.priority)] return initial, res, final
[docs]class Subscription: """ This object encapsulates state related to a Subscription. See the :func:`subscribe` function. """ def __init__(self, pv_name, priority=0, data_type=None, data_count=None, low=0.0, high=0.0, to=0.0, mask=None): if mask is None: mask = SubscriptionType.DBE_VALUE | SubscriptionType.DBE_ALARM self.pv_name = pv_name self.priority = priority self.data_type = data_type self.data_count = data_count self.low = low self.high = high = to self.mask = mask self.callbacks = {} self._callback_id = 0 self._callback_lock = threading.RLock() # This is related to back-compat for user callbacks that have the old # signature, f(response). self.__wrapper_weakrefs = set()
[docs] def block(self, duration=None, timeout=1, force_int_enums=False, repeater=True): """ Activate one or more subscriptions and process incoming responses. Use Ctrl+C (SIGINT) to escape, or from another thread, call :meth:`interrupt()`. Convenience alias for the top-level function :func:`block`, which may be used to process multiple Subscriptions concurrently. Parameters ---------- duration : float, optional How many seconds to run for. Run forever (None) by default. timeout : float, optional Default is 1 second. This is not the same as `for`; this is the timeout for failure in the event of no connection. force_int_enums : boolean, optional Retrieve enums as integers. (Default is strings.) repeater : boolean, optional Spawn a Channel Access Repeater process if the port is available. True default, as the Channel Access spec stipulates that well-behaved clients should do this. """ block(self, duration=duration, timeout=timeout, force_int_enums=force_int_enums, repeater=repeater)
[docs] def interrupt(self): """ Signal to block() to stop blocking. Idempotent. This obviously cannot be called interactively while blocked; it is intended to be called from another thread. This method is a convenience alias for the top-level function :func:`interrupt`. """ interrupt()
[docs] def add_callback(self, func): """ Add a callback to receive responses. Parameters ---------- func : callable Expected signature: ``func(sub, response)``. The signature ``func(response)`` is also supported for backward-compatibility but will issue warnings. Support will be removed in a future release of caproto. Returns ------- token : int Integer token that can be passed to :meth:`remove_callback`. .. versionchanged:: 0.5.0 Changed the expected signature of ``func`` from ``func(response)`` to ``func(sub, response)``. """ func = adapt_old_callback_signature(func, self.__wrapper_weakrefs) def removed(_): self.remove_callback(cb_id) if inspect.ismethod(func): ref = weakref.WeakMethod(func, removed) else: # TODO: strong reference to non-instance methods? ref = weakref.ref(func, removed) with self._callback_lock: cb_id = self._callback_id self._callback_id += 1 self.callbacks[cb_id] = ref return cb_id
[docs] def remove_callback(self, cb_id): """ Remove callback using token that was returned by :meth:`add_callback`. """ with self._callback_lock: self.callbacks.pop(cb_id, None)
[docs] def process(self, response): """ Run the callbacks on a response. This is used internally by :func:`block()`, generally not called by the user. """ to_remove = [] with self._callback_lock: callbacks = list(self.callbacks.items()) for cb_id, ref in callbacks: callback = ref() if callback is None: to_remove.append(cb_id) continue callback(self, response) with self._callback_lock: for remove_id in to_remove: self.callbacks.pop(remove_id, None)
[docs] def clear(self): """ Remove all callbacks. If currently blocking, interrupt. """ interrupt() with self._callback_lock: for cb_id in list(self.callbacks): self.remove_callback(cb_id)