caproto.server.autosave.AutosaveHelper ====================================== .. currentmodule:: caproto.server.autosave .. inheritance-diagram:: AutosaveHelper .. autoclass:: AutosaveHelper .. if not using autodoc, add this here: automethod:: __init__ .. list-table:: AutosaveHelper pvproperties :header-rows: 1 :widths: auto * - Attribute - Suffix - Docs - Type - Notes - Alarm Group * - autosave_hook - ``:__autosave_hook__`` - Internal hook which handles autosave functionality - int - **Read-only** **Startup** - .. rubric:: Methods .. autosummary:: ~AutosaveHelper.find_autosave_properties ~AutosaveHelper.group_read ~AutosaveHelper.group_write ~AutosaveHelper.prepare_data ~AutosaveHelper.restore_from_file ~AutosaveHelper.restore_values .. rubric:: Attributes .. autosummary:: ~AutosaveHelper.default_values ~AutosaveHelper.filename ~AutosaveHelper.period ~AutosaveHelper.type_map ~AutosaveHelper.type_map_read_only .. rubric:: pvproperty methods .. method:: autosave_hook.startup(self, instance, async_lib) A startup hook which lives until the IOC exits. Initially restores values from the autosave file `self.filename`, then periodically - at `self.period` seconds - saves autosave data to `self.filename`. .. raw:: html
Source code: autosave_hook.startup .. literalinclude:: /../../../../../../../opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.8.8/x64/lib/python3.8/site-packages/caproto/server/ :language: python :linenos: :dedent: 0 :lineno-start: 218 :lines: 218-230 .. raw:: html