**************** Threading Client **************** .. currentmodule:: caproto.threading.client .. ipython:: python :suppress: import sys import subprocess import time processes = [] def run_example(module_name, *args): p = subprocess.Popen([sys.executable, '-m', module_name] + list(args)) processes.append(p) # Clean this up at the end. time.sleep(1) # Give it time to start up. The threading client is a high-performance client that uses Python's built-in threading module to manage concurrency. Tutorial ======== .. ipython:: python :suppress: run_example('caproto.ioc_examples.random_walk') In a separate shell, start one of caproto's demo IOCs. .. code-block:: bash $ python3 -m caproto.ioc_examples.random_walk PVs: ['random_walk:dt', 'random_walk:x'] Connect ------- Now, in Python we will talk to it using caproto's threading client. Start by creating a :class:`Context`. .. ipython:: python from caproto.threading.client import Context ctx = Context() The :class:`Context` object caches connections, manages automatic re-connection, and tracks the state of connections in progress. We can use it to request new connections. Formulating requests for many PVs in a large batch is efficient. In this example we'll just ask for two PVs. .. ipython:: python x, dt = ctx.get_pvs('random_walk:x', 'random_walk:dt') :meth:`Context.get_pvs` accepts an arbitrary number of PV names and immediately returns a collection of :class:`PV` objects representing each name. In a background thread, the Context searches for an EPICS server that provides that PV name and then connects to it. The PV object displays its connection state: .. ipython:: python dt The Context displays aggregate information about the state of all connections. .. ipython:: python ctx Read ---- Now, to read a PV: .. ipython:: python res = dt.read() res This object is a human-friendly representation of the server's response. The raw bytes of that response are: .. ipython:: python bytes(res) Access particular fields in the response using attribute ("dot") access on ``res``. .. ipython:: python res.data By default, the client does not request any metadata .. ipython:: python res.metadata Use the ``data_type`` parameter to request a richer data type. .. ipython:: python richer_res = dt.read(data_type='time') richer_res.metadata richer_res.metadata.timestamp richer_res.metadata.stamp.as_datetime() # a convenience method See :meth:`PV.read` for more information on the values accepted by the ``data_type`` parameter. .. note:: **Performance Note** The underlying metadata and data are stored in efficient, contiguous-memory data structures. .. ipython:: python res.header # a ctypes.BigEndianStructure res.buffers # a collection of one or more buffers They were received directly from the socket into these structure with no intermediate copies. Accessing the ``res.data`` --- which returns a ``numpy.ndarray`` or ``array.array`` --- provides a view onto that same memory with no copying (if the data was received from the socket all at once) or one copy (if the data bridged multiple receipts). Write ----- Let us set the value to ``1``. .. ipython:: python dt.write([1]) By default, we send ``WriteNotifyResponse``, wait for a response, and return it. There are a couple other ways we can handle writes: * Return immediately, not asking for or waiting for a response. .. code-block:: python dt.write([1], wait=False) * Return immediately, not waiting for a response, but handing the response (when it arrived) to some callback function, processed on a background thread. .. code-block:: python def f(response): print('got a response:', response) dt.write([1], wait=False, callback=f) See the :meth:`PV.write` for more. Subscribe ("Monitor") --------------------- Let us now monitor a channel. The server updates the ``random_walk:x`` channel periodically at some period set by ``random_walk:dt``. We can subscribe to updates and fan them out to one or more user-defined callback functions. First, we define a :class:`Subscription`. .. ipython:: python sub = x.subscribe() Next, we define a callback function, a function that will be called whenever the server sends an update. It must accept two positional arguments. .. ipython:: python responses = [] def f(sub, response): print('Received response from', sub.pv.name) responses.append(response) This user-defined function ``f`` has access to the full response from the server, which includes data and any metadata. The server's response does not include the name of the PV involved (it identifies it indirectly via a "subscription ID" code) so caproto provides the function with ``sub`` as well, from which you can obtain the pertinent PV ``sub.pv`` and its name ``sub.pv.name`` as illustrated above. This is useful for distinguishing responses when the same function is added to multiple subscriptions. .. versionchanged:: 0.5.0 The expected signature of the callback function was changed from ``f(response)`` to ``f(sub, response)``. For backward compatibility, functions with signature ``f(response)`` are still accepted, but caproto will issue a warning that a future release may require the new signature, ``f(sub, response)``. We register this function with ``sub``. .. ipython:: python token = sub.add_callback(f) The ``token`` is just an integer which we can use to remove ``f`` later. We can define a second callback: .. ipython:: python values = [] def g(sub, response): values.append(response.data[0]) and add it to the same subscription, putting no additional load on the network. .. ipython:: python sub.add_callback(g) After some time has passed, we will have accumulated some responses. .. ipython:: python :suppress: import time; time.sleep(5) # wait for responses to come in .. ipython:: python len(responses) values At any point we can remove a specific callback function: .. ipython:: python sub.remove_callback(token) or clear all the callbacks on a subscription: .. ipython:: python sub.clear() In order to minimize load on the network, a :class:`Subscription` waits to request updates from the server until the first user callback is added. Thus, the first callback added by the user is guaranteed to get the first response received from the server. If all user callbacks are later removed, either explicitly (via ``remove_callback`` or ``clear``) or implicitly via Python garbage collection, the Subscription automatically cancels future updates from the server. If a callback is then later added, the Subscription silently re-initiates updates. All of this is transparent to the user. .. warning:: The callback registry in :class:`Subscription` only holds weak references to the user callback functions. If there are no other references to the function, it will be silently garbage collected and removed. Therefore, constructions like this do not work: .. code-block:: python sub.add_callback(lambda sub, response: print(response.data)) The lambda function will be promptly garbage collected by Python and removed from ``sub`` by caproto. To avoid that, make a reference before passing the function to :meth:`Subscription.add_callback`. .. code-block:: python cb = lambda sub, response: print(response.data) sub.add_callback(cb) This can be surprising, but it is a standard approach for avoiding the accidental costly accumulation of abandoned callbacks. This pitfall does not apply to callbacks passed to :meth:`PV.read` and :meth:`PV.write` (or :meth:`Batch.read` and :meth:`Batch.write`) because those are single-shot callbacks that do not persist beyond their first use. Batched Requests ---------------- Batching requests is efficient, and it sets up the server to perform these operations as closely-spaced in time as possible, within the limits of the protocol. Python's ``with`` syntax provides a natural way to specify a batch of requests --- reads, writes, or a mixture of both --- and execute them upon exit from the ``with`` block. Suppose we had a list of ``PV`` objects, ``pvs``, and we want to request readings in bulk. We can use a callback function to stash readings in a dictionary as they arrive. For convenience we'll demonstrate this using the two PVs we have handy --- ``x`` and ``dt`` --- but an unlimited number may be used. .. ipython:: python pvs = [x, dt] from functools import partial results = {} def stash_result(name, response): results[name] = response.data Now we'll use the :class:`Batch` context: .. ipython:: python from caproto.threading.client import Batch with Batch() as b: for pv in pvs: b.read(pv, partial(stash_result, pv.name)) The requests will be sent in large batches (over the PVs' respective circuits) upon exiting the ``with`` block. The responses will be processed on a background thread. As the responses come in, the ``results`` dictionary will be updated. .. ipython:: python :suppress: time.sleep(0.1) .. ipython:: python results See :class:`Batch` for more. Go Idle ------- Once created, PVs are cached for the lifetime of the :class:`Context` and returned again to the user if a PV with the same name and priority is requested. In order to reduce the load on the network, a PV can be temporarily made "idle" (disconnected). It will silently, automatically reconnect the next time it is used. .. ipython:: python x x.go_idle() x x.read() x Notice that when the PV was read it automatically reconnected, requiring no action from the user. The ``go_idle()`` method is merely a *request* and is not guaranteed to have any effect. If a PV has active subscriptions, it will ignore the request: it must stay active to continue servicing user callbacks. Therefore, it is safe call ``go_idle()`` on any PV at any time, knowing that the PV will decline to disconnect if it is being actively used and that, if it is currently unused, it will transparently reconnect the next time it is used. Canceling Searches ------------------ All unanswered searches are retried repeatedly, with decreasing frequency, forever. Each new call to :meth:`~Context.get_pvs` causes all unanswered searches to be retried at least once immediately. This can generate unwanted network traffic. To fully cancel a search that is never expected to complete, access the method :class:`SharedBroadcaster.cancel`. .. code-block:: python ctx.broadcaster.cancel('some typo-ed PV name, for example') As the name suggests, it is possible to construct multiple Contexts that share one SharedBroadcaster. In that scenario, notice that canceling the search will affect all contexts using the SharedBroadcaster. Events Off and On ----------------- If a given circuit produces updates faster than a client can process them, the client can suspend subscriptions on that circuit. This will causes the server to discard all backlogged updates and all new updates during the period of supsension. When the client reactives subscriptions, it will immediate receive the most recent update and then any future updates. .. code-block:: python x.circuit_manager.events_off() ... x.circuit_manager.events_on() .. _server_health_check: Server Health Check ------------------- To check how much time has passed (in seconds) since each known server was last heard from, use: .. code-block:: python ctx.broadcaster.time_since_last_heard() As a convenience, check on the server connected to a specific PV using: .. code-block:: python x.time_since_last_heard() See the :meth:`SharedBroadcaster.time_since_last_heard` API documentation below for details. .. _threading_loggers: Logs for Debugging ------------------ Caproto uses Python's logging framework, which enables sophisticated log management. For more information and copy/paste-able examples, see :ref:`loggers`. .. ipython:: python :suppress: # Clean up IOC processes. for p in processes: p.terminate() for p in processes: p.wait() API Documentation ================= .. autoclass:: Context .. automethod:: get_pvs .. autoclass:: PV :members: .. autoclass:: Subscription .. automethod:: add_callback .. automethod:: clear .. automethod:: remove_callback .. autoclass:: Batch :members: The following are internal components. There API may change in the future. .. autoclass:: VirtualCircuitManager :members: .. autoclass:: SharedBroadcaster :members: