Source code for caproto.ioc_examples.records

#!/usr/bin/env python3
from caproto.server import (PVGroup, PvpropertyDouble, PvpropertyInteger,
                            PvpropertyString, ioc_arg_parser, pvproperty, run)
from caproto.server.records import AiFields, AoFields

[docs]class RecordMockingIOC(PVGroup): # Define three records, an analog input (ai) record: A = pvproperty(value=1.0, dtype=PvpropertyDouble[AiFields], record=AiFields) # And an analog output (ao) record: B = pvproperty(value=2.0, dtype=PvpropertyDouble, record=AoFields, precision=3) # and an ai with all the bells and whistles C = pvproperty( value=0.0, record="ai", upper_alarm_limit=2.0, lower_alarm_limit=-2.0, upper_warning_limit=1.0, lower_warning_limit=-1.0, upper_ctrl_limit=3.0, lower_ctrl_limit=-3.0, units="mm", precision=3, doc="The C pvproperty", ) # In the above, you'll note that we still support referencing records by # their (string) name. we recommend that you use the field classes (e.g., # AiFields) to be more explicit and allow your static analyzer to help # check your code. @B.putter async def _b_val_put(self, instance: PvpropertyDouble, value: float): if value == 1: # Mocked record will pick up the alarm status simply by us raising # an exception in the putter: raise ValueError('Invalid value!') # It's also possible to modify some of the behavior of fields on a per- # record basis. The following function is called whenever A.RVAL is put to: @A.fields.current_raw_value.putter async def _a_raw_put(fields: AiFields, instance: PvpropertyInteger, value: int): # However, somewhat confusingly, 'self' in this case is the fields # associated with 'A'. To access the IOC (i.e., the main PV group) # use the following: ioc = print(f'A.RVAL: Writing values to A and B: {value}') await ioc.B.write(value) await ioc.A.write(value) @B.fields.current_raw_value.putter async def _b_raw_put(fields, instance: PvpropertyInteger, value: int): ioc = print('B.RVAL: Writing modified values to A, B') await ioc.B.write(value + 10) await ioc.A.write(value - 10) # Now that the field specification has been set on B, it can be reused: D = pvproperty( value=2.0, precision=3, field_spec=B.field_spec, dtype=PvpropertyDouble ) # D will also be reported as an 'ao' record like B, as it uses the same # field specification. E = pvproperty( value="this is a test", record="stringin", dtype=PvpropertyString, )
if __name__ == '__main__': ioc_options, run_options = ioc_arg_parser( default_prefix='mock:', desc='Run an IOC that mocks an ai (analog input) record.') # Instantiate the IOC, assigning a prefix for the PV names. ioc = RecordMockingIOC(**ioc_options) print('PVs:', list(ioc.pvdb)) # ... but what you don't see are all of the analog input record fields print('Fields of B:', list(ioc.B.fields.keys())) print('Custom field specifications of A:', RecordMockingIOC.A.fields) print('Custom field specifications of B:', RecordMockingIOC.B.fields) print('Custom field specifications of C:', RecordMockingIOC.C.fields) print('Custom field specifications of D:', RecordMockingIOC.D.fields) print('Custom field specifications of E:', RecordMockingIOC.E.fields) # Run IOC. run(ioc.pvdb, **run_options)