********** References ********** These resources were useful in the development of this project. * `CA protcol spec `_ * `"Channel Access in Depth," slides by Kenneth Evans, Jr. `_ * `"Channel Access Concepts," slides by Andrew Johnson `_ * `Michael DavidSaver's wireshark plugin for parsing Channel Access network traffic `_ * `This tech-talk post `_ * `This OSX-tuned branch of motorSim `_ * `sans-I/O documentation `_ * the documentation and source code of `h11 `_ and `pyepics `_ * the source code of `epics-base `_ * `This Stack Overflow post about socket options `_ * David Beazley's blog post, `Python Binary I/O Handling `_ * `Beej's Guide to Network Programming `_ * Finally, you may also be interested in Michael Davidsaver's `Channel Access protocol client/server in Python using Twisted Matrix `_.