caproto.ioc\_examples.decay.Decay ================================= .. currentmodule:: caproto.ioc_examples.decay .. inheritance-diagram:: Decay .. autoclass:: Decay .. if not using autodoc, add this here: automethod:: __init__ .. list-table:: Decay pvproperties :header-rows: 1 :widths: auto * - Attribute - Suffix - Docs - Type - Notes - Alarm Group * - K - ``K`` - The decay constant. - float - - * - Tvar - ``Tvar`` - The scale of the initial excursion. - float - - * - done - ``done`` - Whether the current value is 'close' to the setpoint or not. - bool (:class:`bi `) - **Read-only** - * - readback - ``I`` - The current readback value. - float (:class:`ai `) - **Read-only** - * - setpoint - ``SP`` - Where to go - the setpoint. - float - **Put** - .. rubric:: Methods .. autosummary:: ~Decay.group_read ~Decay.group_write ~Decay.reset_t0 .. rubric:: Attributes .. autosummary:: ~Decay.default_values ~Decay.type_map ~Decay.type_map_read_only ~Decay.pvdb ~Decay.attr_pvdb ~Decay.attr_to_pvname ~Decay.groups .. rubric:: pvproperty methods