Source code for caproto.ioc_examples.random_walk

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import random
from caproto.server import pvproperty, PVGroup, ioc_arg_parser, run

[docs]class RandomWalkIOC(PVGroup): dt = pvproperty(value=3.0) x = pvproperty(value=0.0) @x.startup async def x(self, instance, async_lib): 'Periodically update the value' while True: # compute next value x = self.x.value + 2 * random.random() - 1 # update the ChannelData instance and notify any subscribers await instance.write(value=x) # Let the async library wait for the next iteration await async_lib.library.sleep(self.dt.value)
if __name__ == '__main__': ioc_options, run_options = ioc_arg_parser( default_prefix='random_walk:', desc='Run an IOC with a random-walking value.') ioc = RandomWalkIOC(**ioc_options) run(ioc.pvdb, **run_options)