Source code for caproto.ioc_examples.client_monitor_async

#!/usr/bin/env python3
from textwrap import dedent

import caproto as ca
from caproto.asyncio.client import Context
from caproto.server import PVGroup, ioc_arg_parser, pvproperty, run

[docs]class MirrorClientIOC(PVGroup): """ An IOC which mirrors the value, timestamp, and alarm status of a given PV into the `mirrored` pvproperty. With the default configuration, this IOC assumes that the PV "simple:A" exists on some external IOC. The "simple" IOC may be started before or after this IOC. If the server goes down, the client will automatically reconnect when available. Scalar PVs ---------- mirrored (float, analog input) """ mirrored = pvproperty(value=0.0, record='ai') def __init__(self, pv_to_mirror, *args, **kwargs): self.pv_to_mirror = pv_to_mirror super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) async def __ainit__(self, async_lib): print('* `__ainit__` startup hook called') # Create an asyncio client context: ctx = Context() # Loop and grab items from the queue one at a time async for event, context, data in ctx.monitor(self.pv_to_mirror): if event == 'subscription': print('* Client pushed a new value in the queue') print(f'\tValue={} {data.metadata}') # Mirror the value, status, severity, and timestamp: await self.mirrored.write(, timestamp=data.metadata.timestamp, status=data.metadata.status, severity=data.metadata.severity) elif event == 'connection': print(f'* Client connection state changed: {data}') if data == 'disconnected': # Raise an alarm - our client PV is disconnected. await self.mirrored.write( self.mirrored.value, status=ca.AlarmStatus.LINK, severity=ca.AlarmSeverity.MAJOR_ALARM )
if __name__ == '__main__': ioc_options, run_options = ioc_arg_parser( default_prefix='mirror:', desc=dedent(MirrorClientIOC.__doc__), supported_async_libs=('asyncio', ), ) ioc = MirrorClientIOC('simple:A', **ioc_options) run(ioc.pvdb, startup_hook=ioc.__ainit__, **run_options)